Making Spirits Bright

If you have been following me on social media this holiday season, it may seem that my husband and I have went ABOVE and beyond this year to make the month magical for our son. His is almost four years old and he is oh so into Christmas this year. The innocence and sweetness is priceless and something we are certain we will someday soon miss. So we decided to go all out this year (you could call me a Pinterest mom if you know what that means.) Not that we hadn't in years past, but this year I feel like we really have made the effort even more so than years past. This year we have been working to come to terms with our infertility struggle that we have been dealing with for almost three years now. We are working on accepting the fact that sometimes God only gives you one child. The one he gave us is perfect, healthy and the biggest sweetheart you will ever meet so we need to embrace that our family may only ever consist of three rather than the more we once thought we would have.
Tree Hunting Together |
Blessed to be "parenting" with this guy! Truly my best friend |
We are in a different place than we were when we first started dealing with our news of the infertility. We went thru a lot of sadness and somedays anger that it was not happening. We prayed a lot and supported one another on the hard days. Over the summer we started to get closer toward the acceptance phase of the grieving that we were going thru. We started to really stop and smell the roses and try our best to take in every minute of his childhood. We stopped talking about when we have "the next one" and only focused on "this one." I have noticed us really trying to make every moment special for him but also for us knowing that we most likely will not be helping to create childhood memories for a little one ever again. It's sad but also a blessing to be able to see life thru these lenses. Some days it hurts but it also really helps to you live in the moment. A few weeks ago we both took the day off to be home so we could be there for his Christmas program at school and as I stood there watching him tears filled my eyes. My sweet baby is growing up into such a precious young little boy. I can't explain the pride I felt that morning watching him on stage dressed as a camel singing his little heart out. I literally thanked God in that moment that he is our son.
Taking him home early from school after his holiday program. We were so proud of him! |
Post holiday concert at his school. Taking off the Camel costume! |
I have to admit that seeing the holidays thru the eyes of a child makes it all so much more magical for yourself as well. My husband and I have really been in the spirit. While it has made for a pretty packed calendar for us this past month, it also has made for a lot of fun.
Elfie's arrival this year - he was air lifted in on Christmas balloons. |
Guess this is what happens when you put Dad on elf duty. |
Our elf on the shelf is probably more extravagant than most but the joy that it brings us watching him find him and laugh about what "Elfie" did today is worth all the work it requires before bed each night. Each morning we often hear squeals coming from down the hall "Mommy, Daddy!! Come quick you've gotta see this." Or "oh my goodness your never going to guess what my elf did" or some mornings just adorable laughter. It's priceless and makes for such a fun start to the day. I have had some question if he is bringing "presents" everyday? To answer that, no some days he's just up to funny mischief other days he does come with things to do to help get Carter into the holiday spirit. A few of the things he has brought was Christmas pajamas, lots of Christmas books, a ginger bread house and the list goes on. But he does not "get something" everyday. We are trying our best to not raise him to be greedy or spoiled and I am happy to report on the days when no "gifts" were involved he hasn't even questioned why. My favorite elf activity we pulled off was the breakfast we planned with the neighbor kids and their elf Jingle Bell. They were so into it and amazed that the elves had planned this for them. I am sure we helped to create a memory that will stick with all of them for life.

Genius mom move... brought the elf along for the long car ride. |
We also had a few other surprises up our sleeves this month. From a trip to West Virginia to ride the Polar Express, to our trip to see the lights and Santa and even tickets to Rudolph the Musical this week. We really have experienced so many joys of the holidays.
About to board the Polar Express train ride |
The only person I would wear Elf pajamas out in public for! |
We also have made an effort to help him understand the REAL meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate. Last week I took him to Target to buy gift cards for kids in need so we could pay it forward. I explained to him that not everybody has a life as good as he does. While he really doesn't "get it" yet I am working to be sure that down the road he does realize how good he has it and that Jesus has blessed him very abundantly. I am certain we are on the right track because each night after we say our family prayers he always ends with "thank you for our blessings."
Looking forward to wrapping up the holidays with our family pajama party this weekend, the children's mass on Christmas Eve, the excitement of Christmas morning and time spent with family during the next few weeks.
Elfie brought a gingerbread house - dad assembled it, mom decorated it and Carter at all the candy! |
Life is good and we truly have been blessed. Wishing you all a very happy holiday. Remember if you have children of your own, it is your job to make their childhood magical. The memories you are creating now, will stay with them for life. Make them something worth cherishing.
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