Monday, February 29, 2016

In Need Of A Boot Camp?

I've Got The Answer - 22 Minute Hard Corps 

Boot camp - is it popular where you live? It absolutely is here where I live. Often on my early drive to work I see many women taking over local parks with trainers for a boot camp inspired workout. Something about boot camp -  it just makes you want to get your butt into gear. But here is the thing about these boot camps that we have in our community, in order to go you have to get out of bed and leave your house bright and early. While that is awesome to do if you can pull it off, but I know many people who can't. It can be hard to find a sitter at 5:00 am if your wanting to go bright and early and have little ones at home in bed sleeping. I know for me that's the case. I used to love the gym but it really does not fit into my schedule. I am away from home enough during the day with work, the last thing I want to do is miss out on time with my kiddo when I don't have to. Instead, I chose to do my workouts at home usually while my son is sleeping. It's a win for all of us.

I am excited to share with news that Beachbody is rolling out a new program that will launch on Tuesday March 1st called 22 minute Hard Corps. It is boot camp inspired and is literally a program for all body types and for all ranges of levels on your own fitness journey. Tony Horton is the trainer that will lead this program and it is very much military inspired and will take on a basic training feel. It is a total body conditioning program requiring little space and equipment. What you will need are a set of light and medium sized weights, a sandbag (you can purchase it with your program) and also a pull up bar or resistance bands if you don't have a space for the pull up bar.

Below is a picture of everything that you will get with your program.

• 8 challenging workouts on 2 DVDs
• Quick Start Mission Guide
• 8-week Basic Training Action Plan
• Rations for Results Nutrition Field Guide
• Cold Start pre-workout drill
• Hell Week Challenge Card
• HARD CORPS: Battle Buddy Workout DVD (Network Exclusive)

In addition it is recommended that you include Shakeology as well as the supplements from the Beachbody Performance Line to get the best results. 
What is 22 minute Hard Corps, Hard Corps, Boot camp inspired workouts, 22 minute hard corps transformation, 22 minute hard corps meal plans, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

On Tuesday March 14th we will start our pre-seaon week for the test group. This is for anyone wishing to dive right in with me and my team! We will take the 8 week challenge together. This challenge will take us right up into the beginning of May. Just in time for bathing suit season and summer clothes! I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to feeling fit this summer. In the group you will find daily support, motivation and accountability. In addition you will get help with meal planning and be given healthy recipes to teach you how to make clean eating fun and easy.

Here is a clip of what the program is going to be like. Check it out! 

Have you heard enough? Think this is going to be just what you need to get motivated? Fill out the application below to be considered for the group! I will be in touch shortly!

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