Next week I will pack up and head out to my second Team Beachbody Coach Summit Event. This years event will take place in Nashville, TN for the second year in a row. Many saw my pictures and posts last year from the event and many have asked me more recentaly what it is and what I would be doing there.
It is basically our giant once a year training for our business and it is a heck of a lot of fun. While it is fun and exciting it is also exhusting. We go non-stop from the minute we get there until we go home.
Trying to pick a dress to wear to the Elite night party - I went for the blue one! |
That week while I am there, I will get to attend several parties and events for the top leaders in the organization. In addition to that we will have live workouts with the celebrity trainers from Beachbody. One of my favorite workouts is the Superworkout where all 30,000 of us line the streets of Broadway and workout together with all the trainers. It is one of the coolest things I have ever seen and a great reminder of why we are here and what we do as coaches.
An aerial view of last years Super Workout. |
Obviously I will spend most of my days in jam packed trainings from the top coaches in the network. (Fun fact - my goal is actually to be a presenter at Summit in the coming years.) Stay tuned for that one.
We will gather together to hear from our CEO, motivational speakers and many others to keep us inspired. Some of us also are being treated to a Billy Idol concert this year.
I'm still trying to figure out what to wear to this one. |
One of my favorite parts of summit is THE CORE - it is basically like a MALL with all things Beachbody that they set up for us to shop in. I remember waiting in line for two hours last year to be one of the first in line. I am anxiously awaiting the release of Coutry Heat and am looking forward to picking up other new products that are coming out while I am there. This year I won't have to wait in line because I have earned special access the night before.
A look inside the CORE. It's amazing how much stuff there is to buy! So many new items! |
What I love most about summit is the gathering of so many in one place who have the same mission. To help others aspire to live their best life. There is something so uplifiting about being around so many positive people and also people who "get" and respect what you do as a coach. This year I will have 12 of my own coaches from the personally sponsored team I have built as well as my husband. While I have many other coaches on the team, these are the ones who were able to make the sacrifice to be here with me. I am so happy and excited for them. Summit is a game changer for your business. The coaches who go to this are the ones who are running with the coaching opportunity.
It's going to be a blast. Stay tuned for pictures and a recap soon. If your going to Nashville as a coach, have fun and be sure to say hello if we bump into each other!
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