Monday, May 4, 2015

Get Mom What She Really Wants This Year For Mother's Day

Flowers?? Nahhh I Would Rather Learn How To Be Healthier & More Confident For Summer... 

First I want to wish all of you mommas out there a very Happy Mother's Day. You (whoever you are reading this post) are one of the hardest working and caring woman that I know. You sacrifice yourself EVERY single day so that you can do the extra for your family. Let me guess... you come last... a lot. You may not feel like admitting that but I can say that my world changed the day my sweet little love made his oh so fast entrance into this world. The house was no longer spotless, mom no longer looked "perfect" and well put together like I had before and everything got a lot crazier. In a good way, I wouldn't trade it for the world. But life changed for me. The cuddles, the giggles and the silliness is absolutely some of my most treasured parts of my life. That little boy has me wrapped around his finger and he completely has all of my heart. When he snuggles up to me and say's "mom your my best girl" I can't help but think I am the luckiest person in the whole world.  Because of him I am someone I had never been before.

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the biggest parts of your heart." 
I have to share a secret with you though. Over the last year, I learned how to be a better mom and wife. I thought I was a great mom because I never focused on myself. I came last. Like dead last. I was tired, overworked, ate like crap because it was easier than going thru the trouble of prepping and planning like I do now each week. My morning was rushed and always started with a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks. Not only was that morning ritual costing me about $30.00 + a week it was also making me unhealthy. I did not know how poorly I was treating my body until I decided it was time to change something.

On the night of my son's 2nd birthday I remember I laid in bed late that night and I decided two years was too long to still be carrying around the last few pounds from giving birth. I didn't have much to lose but I needed the confidence boost and wanted to feel comfortable again like I always had before. I saw that one of my friends from college was hosting a "challenge group" to help people get in shape in just 21 days. I wanted in. It enticed me and I decided to bite the bullet and buy it. My husband chuckled and said it wouldn't work and that I wasted our money. He was my naysayer for about two weeks until I was started to prove him wrong by getting my own results. What was happening over those 21 days was huge. I cut out my crappy Starbucks drinks and replaced them with Shakeology, I made time for 30 minutes of exercise every day, I felt more confident and positive and I lost the baby weight I wanted to rid myself of. I got the old me back. He loved it and so did I. It has been over a year now and I now try to lead by example for my son and my family. My son knows that mom exercises every day. He also joins me. He is one of the only little kids I know who has Beachbody workout moves memorized. We eat clean in our house. I try to no longer buy processed foods and prefer organic and non - GMO. I make a conscious effort to make smarter choices for my family because when you know better you do better.

At first it felt like this was selfish by asking for some me time but I later learned it was smart and the best thing I could have done for all of us. 30+ minutes a day of exercise, Shakeology daily and a focus on clean eating and this momma is a happy woman.

Our morning ritual now! I have my Shake and so does my son! Pediatrician approved too! 

This Mother's Day I encourage you to ask for something that you really want. Instead of flowers or another outfit you won't need. Tell your family you want a challenge pack. Tell them you want to be in an accountability group so that you can learn how to be a better mom. Invest in your own health this year. Everyone wins if you do!

If you would like a spot in my upcoming May 18th 30- day challenge group, please fill out the application below. I will be in touch shortly. The group will push you to a place where you have not yet been before. I will teach you everything you need to know about hot to be successful and cheer you on to the finish line!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!

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