Thursday, October 2, 2014

Teaching Busy Women How To Be Fit and Fabulous

"Because you are more important than all of the other things on that to-do list of yours” 

Okay ladies I hope your fall has started to settle down or at least that you have become adjusted to the chaos. Now it is time to focus on YOU!!! That’s right, the person who you never seem to be making time for. This month I am taking applicants for a small group of women who even though they are busy just like me, they are going to try and make their own health a priority. These women are going to gain a little more confidence and learn how to live just a little better all in 30 days. How you ask? Well you see I have a program that will literally transform your LIFESTYLE in just 21 days. I am not talking about a diet; I am talking about a lifestyle. This means that it is something that you are going to do everyday for all your days moving forward. It takes 21 days to form a new habit. With support from me and the other women in the group you will learn to break old ones and be proud of the new you.

The women who apply for this group need to want to change more than they want to stay the same. They need to be at that breaking point where they say okay enough is enough. I need to live a healthier lifestyle. No more excuses! Maybe you have been carrying around baby weight or weight from stress in your life or maybe your eating habits are just awful. Whatever your issues are, we will work together to get thru them.

No excuses. This can be your month. Wouldn’t it be great to be healthy and fit for the holidays rather than saying to yourself, “after the holidays I am really going to considering getting in shape.” Live for today, not next week or next month or next year.

If you are up for the challenge please personal message me or send an email and also fill out the application below so I can get in touch with you. Cheers to putting your health at the top of your to- do list. YOU CAN DO THIS! We start on October 20, 2014. Reserve your spot today!

Fill out my online form.
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