Thursday, April 25, 2019

Milk Making- My best secrets

Girl- Teach Me How You Make All That Milk.... 

Since I began documenting my postpartum journey thru Instagram and Instagram stories I keep getting the same question over and over and over again. 

Girlfriend how are you making so much milk. If you have been in the season of breastfeeding/ pumping you know that this is a holy grail question. Us mamas are obsessed with building that stash and are always looking for the “secret” to upping production. 

Today I wanted to share with you my two cents on what has worked for me. Please realize I have no lactation certifications or what not, I am just a mom who has been making milk for lots of years now sharing what worked for her. 

Before I share my tips I want you to know the I am a huge supporter of the theory that fed is best. While breastfeeding can be something really special to some moms, it can be a nightmare to others. I hope that you can find the courage to know what makes you and your baby the happiest. A stressed out mama isn’t good for anyone involved. Once you figure out  what is best for you do it and own it. 

With my first pregnancy I breastfed and gave a bottle for my son's  first four months of life. I gave a bottle about three days into life and also gave him a pacifier. He handled bottles well and it allowed for the opportunity for others to feed him. This was important because I was going back to my classroom to return to teaching at 8 weeks. He was daycare bound so this was important to me. As much as I didn’t want to send him I HAD to work so exclusively breastfeeding wasn’t an option. I lasted until June pumping each day during my planning period and lunch break in my classroom closet. It was horribly stressful and I was only ever a few days or a day ahead of him in my milk stash. It stressed me way out. I decided that I was over breastfeeding and pumping and called it quits. I switched to formula at this point. I didn’t regret it or feel ashamed. Instead I was proud of  the awesome start I gave him. 

My daughter Grace was different. I was no longer working anymore outside of the home so I had the luxury to truly EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed. It sounded great out-loud, but it became a very stressful situation for me as well. I’ll explain… this time around the lactation nurses pushed no bottles for several weeks and encouraged me to also not give a pacifier. It seemed odd because I had done both of those things with Carter pretty quickly, but went with it anyways. After about three weeks of life we went ahead and gave the bottle a try. That of course DID NOT WORK. Girlfriend only wanted her mama. I bought every bottle under the sun, I tried every trick and nothing worked. 

I was very proud of my breastfeeding journey with her and actually made it 16 months. While that was awesome, I will say it was hard on me. It meant I could not go anywhere without her - at least not for very long. It meant it was always ME getting up at night for the feedings and it also meant I was her pacifier since she wouldn’t take one of those either. I got used to multi-tasking and breastfeeding in public- neither of which bothered me. The only reason I quit actually was because I was pregnant with Sadie. I think I would have gone longer, but my body was flying thru the calories and I needed them to nourish the baby I was growing. Since we had a history of miscarriages I decided my body needed to focus all of its energy on growing life and keeping me healthy so we called it quits. 

This time around I actually considered not breastfeeding at all. Yep- read that again. Me the queen of breastfeeding. The one who nursed Grace for all that time was considering not doing it. Why? Well truth be told I was terrified how I could keep Grace my 22 month old entertained and safe while breastfeeding this one. My husband actually is the one who talked me into doing it again. Not in a way that I felt pressure, just in a way that he reminded me how special it was that I got to provide them with such a great start. He would have supported me either way, but kept encouraging me to reconsider. The day Sadie arrived I had this desire to nurse her right from the get- go. It felt right and was absolutely what I wanted to do. 

She nursed like a champ in the hospital and for the first weeks at home. The only issue was she was a lazy nurser. It took her ages and she wasn’t draining my breasts. It meant she was wanting to nurse more frequently because her belly wasn’t all that full before she would fall back to sleep. She was still not at birth weight so I decided to start pumping for a few reasons. Number one - I wanted to be sure she was getting enough and was on a mission to get her back to birth weight. Number two - I did not want another baby that didn’t take bottles or a pacifier so I introduced both as soon as we got home from the hospital. I was loving the extra help I had because of the bottles. My husband and I were able to share night time feedings and it allowed loved ones to help too. 

This also fixed the HUGE problem we were having with my toddler. Everyone told me that during the time I nursed Sadie would be a great time to bond and read or snuggle with Grace. It actually turned into the exact opposite. She was lashing out, kicking me and the baby and having meltdowns left and right every time I would sit down to nurse the baby. Lots of jealousy when I would do it. I decided to start pumping more often and see how she responded to that. I asked if she could “help” mommy and allowed her to turn it on and sit with me. It worked because pumping was something she could be a part of. We would wait until Sadie was sleeping then pump together. This in turn allowed me to also have her help feed her the bottle of pumped milk that we pumped together. 

Sadie is now almost a month old and I am at this point exclusively pumping. I thought I would feel sad about it - but I don’t. I feel happy that I found a solution that is allowing me to still give her breastmilk and keep my toddler safe and happy at the same time. Motherhood has taught me it’s only to go with plan B sometimes. 

So back to that question about the milk. Here are my secrets. 

1. I am following a super structured meal plan that is specific for postpartum breastfeeding moms. I have be eating a TON of healthy foods and incorporating many healthy fats. I create a weekly meal plan and have been sticking with it since my first week of postpartum. While I am not exercising yet I am seeing quite a change in my postpartum body. Many women worry that they will see a drop in supply if they follow a meal plan. The truth is I think most women actually are not eating ENOUGH foods to lose weight the healthy way while still keeping up with their supply. If you want to learn more about the program I am doing or do it alongside me in one my my groups feel free to check it out by clicking here

2. I pump every three hours. Around the clock. Yes I am tired, Yes I am over it some days but it’s working really well for me. My sash is quite large and building it has become fun to me. I love looking in the freezer seeing so many filled up bags. At night I have my husband feed her and change the diapers while I do the pumping. We keep each other company and I don’t feel resentful that I am up at all hours of the night while he gets to sleep. We are both in the trenches and exhausted together. I find that my biggest pump session is always first thing in the morning so I make sure I don’t miss that one or cut it short. 

3. Blue gatorade - lets’ be honest it’s all over Pinterest and the mommy blogs and YES I have totally tried it. AND yes it totally works. However, I would encourage you to read the back label. There is a BOATLOAD of sugar and not so awesome ingredients. Instead of the gatorade route I do drink an electrolyte replacement. It’s called Hydrate and it’s from the Beachbody performance line. The ingredients are much better with much less sugar. Both work about the same as far as upping production at least for me personally they did. While I can’t promise that or put it on a label, I can talk from experience. How do I know? Well because I “tested it out” a few weeks ago. In the event that you want to check it out you can use this link 

4. Lactation bars - These are convenient and something that you can make yourself or buy. I make a lot of things myself since I love to cook but wanted some pre-made ones as well to have on hand. The ones that I have is from Milkful. They are made with several lactogenic ingredients that are high quality and good for you. My favorite flavor is the maple walnut one. In the event that you are skipping out on gluten or dairy these are a good allergy free option. You can check them out at if you want to get a discount you can use my code - sarahelizabeth27 

5. Lactation tea- I find that my supply is the lowest around 9 pm each night. This is when I try to have a cup of lactation tea to to help boost my supply for the upcoming pumps in the middle of the night. If you know me, you know I am an Earth Mama brand girl so I love their milkmaid tea the most. I have tried a few other brands in the past but like the flavor of this one the most. 

You can use discount code sarah20 (it will work on regularly priced products- no bundles or gift sets.) 

Disclosure: Please keep in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission or receive product exchange for reviews.  I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Welcome Sadie Marie

Our Birth Story For Baby #3 

365 days ago I drove myself to the emergency room. The visit was to confirm what my heart already knew. After what felt like hours of waiting I was given the news that hit me like a ton of bricks. “I’m sorry honey, but there is no heartbeat anymore. The baby has passed away.”

The days after that stung. They left me with wounds that took months to heal. The loss was traumatic because not only was it unexpected, but I went thru actual trauma when I passed the baby. Minutes before they took me back to have the surgery to remove the remains I passed the fetus on my own.

Seeing those tiny fingers and toes was not something I was ready for and it rocked my world. Like I needed therapy rocked. I spent the last year walking thru it all and trying my best to not only overcome it, but to also come out stronger.
I would be lying if I didn’t say that my pregnancy with Sadie was one that left me nervous and fearful most of the time. I tried my hardest to lean into my faith, but once you go thru something like we did, not just once but twice you learn to guard your heart.

That was what we worked thru in therapy. Un-guarding my heart and helping me gear up to welcome this special rainbow blessing that God so knew our family needed.
It’s fitting today that I write out Sadie’s birth story as a celebration of what life has give me just one year later from all the trauma that we walked thru.

Thanks for taking the time to sit and read her birth story. I hope it gently reminds you that there is always rainbows after storms and beauty for ashes.

Welcoming Sadie Marie

As I shared before I have a history of precipitous labor. Meaning that the babies come within four hours or less typically. Because of this condition my doctor was allowed to induce me. It was something I chose to do for my last pregnancy as well. The plan was that we do a “Cinderella” induction. Meaning that after the stroke of midnight that Friday night into Saturday I could be induced. We had to wait until 39 weeks to be allowed to start the process and I wanted my favorite doctor from the practice to be the one to do it so this was the plan since she was on call that night.
That Friday I cleaned the house one more time, napped during the day with Kevin and made sure everything was all packed up before the evening. We put the kids to bed, I showered and “got ready” and anxiously awaited the phone call to come in.

Ready to kick off my Cinderella induction 
Around 10:25 pm my phone rang and they said to head on over. We had a good 30 minute drive ahead of us into the city so we left right away. The waiting room was empty when we got there. They took us back to the labor and delivery room just shy of midnight.
One thing that we did as a family was have a guessing game of what time she would arrive. Our parents, siblings and grandparents weighed in. Everyone gave number guesses and we tracked them on a piece of paper. Little did I know that my guess would be only 1 minute off from her actual arrival! Pretty cool if you ask me.

I told them I got two guesses since I was the one who was giving birth. My first guess was one minute off. 
Once we settled into our room they began to track contractions. Mine were already about 5 minutes apart without the pitocin and I had been dilated at 4 cm on my own over the weeks leading up to the delivery.

I swear the IV was one of the worst parts of the entire process. My nurse wasn’t able to do it so the IV team had to come and try again. I swear I complained about my hand hurting more than I did about the actual labor process.

Once they started the pitocin the plan was to get my epidural started and break my water. I knew that was when the progress would happen quick so getting the epidural first was the priority. Even though I had had two epidurals in the past for some reason I had a ton of anxiety about this one. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I made it out to be in my head and went very smoothly at first. We didn’t know it, but they must have went a bit too far into my spine because my blood pressure kept tanking and setting off all sorts of alarms. It left me feeling really sick and I started to get some splitting headaches. It was getting a little scary, but the baby was handling it really well. Her numbers were never affected even though mine were all over the place. They ended up giving me a shot in my leg and keep the pressure up. It worked - thank goodness.

Looking a little rough at this point in the game. Wasn't feeling so hot. 
After they broke my water (which was totally painless) the labor started to ramp up pretty quickly. We were only alone for about half an hour just the two of us before the nurses joined in to sit with us full time. The doctor came back pretty quickly because I was feeling pressure but I was only at 5 ½ cm. I started to worry that maybe I wasn’t going to have a quick labor after all. My nurse insisted otherwise. This was around 2:30 am.

While I wasn’t feeling much of anything thanks to the epidural, my contractions were indicating she was coming sooner rather than later. The nurse called the doctor back in right around 4:15 am. This is when you start to get a little nervous. The big overhead lights come on, tools and instruments come out and you know things are about to get serious. They moved the bed into a position for pushing. I had a nurse on each side to help with my oh so numb legs and Kevin stood on my right side helping with that leg and to coach me thru it all. I was 10 cm and it was go time so we started with the pushing. It only took me five or six sets of contractions until she came out and when she did it was like a cannon.

At 4:46 am Sadie Marie Griffith arrived. Safe and sound. Perfect and sweet making our family complete. It was fast just like her siblings were. True labor was only about 2 and a half hours long. Kevin got to cut the cord after the delayed cord clamp while I was busy holding her for the first time. The emotions that you are flooded with in the moment are some of the best you will ever have in your entire life. We were both in tears and I was sobbing. It’s a gratitude sob along with a sob of relief that all the waiting and all the worrying was over.

Because she came so quickly she had some fluid in her lungs. We did skin to skin for a bit, but then the NICU had to come and suction out her lungs and do some check ups. They kept her under the warmer and listened to her lungs for a bit and did her vitals before giving her back. While I hated to not be holding her the entire time during the “golden hour”, I also wanted her to be safe so we had to let them have her for a bit. They repeated this three times before giving her back.

At this time I began to breastfeed her for the first time. She latched like a champ and nursed for quite awhile.

After two hours in the labor and delivery room we were given breakfast then taken up to the mother and baby floor where we would spend the next two days recovering and loving on our sweet girl.

We enjoyed short visits from family and tried to rest as often as we could. Our all nighter from labor really wore us all out. Carter and Grace came late in the day to meet her for the first time. The moments were priceless. They both wanted to hold her and touch her and were just so eager to finally meet her. Each of them wanted to take something of hers home with them when they left so both of them got to take one of her hospital swaddle blankets to snuggle up with that night at home.

We were able to leave to head home Sunday evening around 6 pm. We could have stayed another night but we wanted to get home to our new family of 5.

Sweet Sadie Marie “heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born. You are loved.”

Let the adventure begin.