
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Better Mornings For Busy Women

busy moms, tricks for better mornings, how to have a better day, back to school organization, better mornings, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

I wanted to put this FREE event out there to all of my social media followers.

I am going to be putting together a 5 day group for women who are looking to have more calm instead of chaos in the mornings. In the group I will share some of my best tips and suggestions on how to have a better start to your day. 

Why is this something you want to master? Because the first hour of your day sets the tone for how the rest of the day will go. Why not learn how to do mornings better? If your anything like I was when I was working full time trying to get my little guy off to school, mornings looked more like a hurricane than anything. It was something that I struggled with SO badly and have finally figured out how to set the tone for a beter day. 

If this is something you are interested in being a part of head on over to the event and click "going" so you see the posts! Your welcome to invite your friends as well.
This will be the link you will want to use to join. 

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