
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

3 Week Yoga Retreat

Starting Your Fitness Journey With YOGA

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Many of my beginner clients are always saying man I wish there was a program that was SUPER easy and made for beginners. While we do have some programs that are for those beginning their fitness transformation, I will be honest and say we didn't have TONS in the past, but that is something Beachbody has been working hard to improve upon. 

This summer while we were at our coach summit event they announced the new 3 WEEK YOGA RETREAT that is coming out on August 31, 2016. It was designed for those looking to give yoga a try but have been intimidated or not sure where to start with yoga. I get it and agree- all of those poses and names can be intimidating. I remember when I started p90x3 and Tony Horton was calling out yoga positions that I had no clue what they were. It was frustrating at first. 

It will be loaded in the Beachbody On Demand library for you to try. The program willl not be something you have to purchase. It will come with your subscription to On Demand. If you do not currently have Beachbody On Demand you can sign up for the free 30 day trail. This would give you enough time to complete the entire program without having to pay for anything during that period. Obviously something very attractive to many. 

Let me answer some of the questions that you might have so far about it. 

 How long is it? 
There are a total of 21 classes. One for each day of the week. Each one is 30 minutes or less. 

Do I have to be a YOGI to enjoy this one?
HA HA nope - you can be a total newbie. 

Who is the target audience for this one? 
Beginners to yoga and those wanting to build their confidence in yoga terms and positions. Also those looking to improve their flexibility and overall strength as well as reduce stress and find balance in their life. 

Is there a schedule to follow or do you just pick which programs you want to do? 
Yes there is a "class schedule" calendar for you to follow each day. 

Who is the trainer for this program?
There are actually 4 different yoga expert teachers for this one. These are trainers you have not yet worked with if you are familar with the other Beachbody programs. 

What equipment do I need? 
You will need an internet connect and device to stream the workouts from as well as a yoga mat and potentially a yoga block depending on your current flexibility level. 

How much is it? 
The program costs nothing to buy - it is all streamed online from the on demand library. If you are new to on demand you can actually have access for FREE for 30 days. Plenty of time for you to start and FINISH the program.

How do I get started? 
Send me an email letting me know you want to get started with this program -

Then you can head on over to my site and sign up for a free account - you would click the option to "join" and it will have you sign up for your free account.

Once you are all signed up let me know and I will get you added into a challenge group for support and accountability.

You can take a look at this video to learn more about what this program is all about.

Hope you will consider giving this new program a try. If your anything like me you could always use more ZEN in your life! 
Hope to hear from you soon!

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