
Monday, September 12, 2016

Country Heat Results

Turns out you really can dance the weight off

Country Heat Results, Womens Country Heat results, weight loss after a miscarriage, sarah griffith, country heat, country heat transformation,

When you see these before and after pictures I know many of you won't believe that I looked this way just 30 days ago. I have already taken slack from the "nay-sayers." So far I have heard - surely you did not look like that did you? Were you just pushing your stomach out? WHEN was that picture taken? While I understand why some might think those things the reality is. I was not "pushing it out." I did look like that and the pictures are recent - I took them the last week of July.

Now you might be thinking okay I guess she really did have some work to do but how? She posts about all of this healthy eating, drinks those shakes and says she exercises every day why did she look that way?

Incase you're just walking in on this chapter I will quickly catch you up to speed. After two and a half years of dealing with infertility my husband and I found out we were expecting this past February. We were over the moon excited and astonished. God finally answered our prayers. Sadly at the end of April we learned that they baby no longer had a heartbeat. It brought us right back to a place of a lot of sadness and unanswered questions. I had surgery to remove what remained of the pregnancy and we began to put one step in front of the other and try to heal from all of the emotions.
Country Heat Results, Womens Country Heat results, weight loss after a miscarriage, sarah griffith, country heat, country heat transformation,

My moods changed often. Some weeks I was fine, some weeks I wasn't and some weeks I tried to act like it never happened. I guess it was my minds way of healing. Even though I was putting on a great front, I was still very sad. I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted when I wanted. Carbs were comforting and so were lots of other junk foods. While I was still eating healthy in addition to that and still exercising my heart wasn't in it at all. I was just going thru the motions.

It wasn't until the middle of July that I decided enough was enough. I needed rid of the "belly" that I was carrying around that no longer had anyone growing inside of it because each day I would feel it or glance down at it was a painful reminder of what no longer was there.

Beachbody had just came out with a new program called Country Heat. I was not a fan of dancing but I was a fan of results and the test group results were killer. I almost didn't believe the program could work that well in just 30 days so I decided that would be the program I would do as I began my journey to get back to me. I showed up each day for just 30 minutes. I drank Shakeology every single day. I never once lifted a weight or did any official ab exercies or even anything in addition to those daily workouts. My nutrition was 80% great. We traveled a few times during this time period so I had some treats and a few too many cocktails here and there but I gave it my best.
Country Heat Results, Womens Country Heat results, weight loss after a miscarriage, sarah griffith, country heat, country heat transformation,

I am proud to say I am feeling SO much better. I have a little ways to go in my stomach but I don't look like how I did when I started and the best part is I don't feel the same either. I am feeling confident, fit and happy again.

This past week I decided it was time for me to work on leaning out and building more muscle. I will be doing 60 days of Hammer and Chisel which will take me up until November. In November Core de Force launches and I will be doing that program. It is a cardio kickboxing/ MMA style program. Stay tuned for some killer results.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and to understand that just because I am a coach does not mean I don't have struggles too. It's just that I am choosing to overcome them.

Are you struggling with unwanted weight gain like I was for whatever reason? I would love to help and truly feel like I can relate to you. Please fill out the application below if you would like to be considered for my next challenge group.

Fill out my online form.
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