
Monday, April 17, 2017

Turning Your Habits Upside Down

Challenger Success Story - Meet Sara

While I am busy gaining weight during these last few weeks of pregnancy the very opposite thing has been happening to all of my clients. They are killing it with their own transformations and have me so motivated and excited to get back in shape post baby. Today I wanted to feature a challenger who has really stood out in my challenge groups since starting. I admire her commitment to the groups and also how determined she is to see out her progress regardless of what road blocks may be in her way.  

My two favorite things that she has been able to change since starting is that she has COMPLETELY kicked her daily Mountain Dew habit and that she is now eating and enjoying breakfast each day. She has been accountable to the challenge groups since starting and has been a big motivator for many of my other clients as well. She is always one of the first ones to post her workout in the mornings and it pushes the others to show up too.

I am so glad that she picked the all access challenge pack as her program of choice so that she has lots of different program options to try in the months to come.

Sara I am honored to be your coach and grateful to be a part of your journey. You look fantastic. Keep up the great work.

Below you find her story. I asked that she share from her heart. I think you will find her story very real and also very relatable.


2 months ago I made a decision…a decision to take control of my body, my health and my happiness.

I spent the last 10 years of my life being a mom of 1 and a wife, and kind of losing myself amongst all the daily stuff I do for my family. Don’t get me wrong, my family means everything to me and I would do anything for them, but I let myself go.
I also had a lot of hatred towards my body because I have PCOS. I had suffered from infertility issues and many other PCOS issues for over 6 yrs and then finally lost the ability to ever conceive naturally again. I hated my body for not working the way it should, and I didn’t have the desire to change anything if it wasn’t going to do what it was supposed to anyway.

But a lot has changed in the last year for us, we are now foster parents and the infertility issues are behind us.

Being a mom, and especially a foster mom, doesn’t always give you time to do things for yourself. Things can go from calm to chaotic in no time at all. I knew I had to start taking better care of myself, not just for me but for my kid(s), my family and our future. I was tired of being a mom who watches her kids…I wanted to be the mom who plays with her kids instead. I was tired of being tired all the time and having no ambition to do anything.

I started looking into joining Beachbody back in December and spent a few months really trying to decide if this was for me or not. It seemed like so much work and so many things I would have to change and on top of all that it was a lot of money. But the more I researched and asked questions, the more I really wanted to make those changes!

I joined in February and started my first challenge group on February 20, 2017 doing Country Heat. At that point, I was an excessive Mt Dew drinker (up to 8 cans a day), didn’t eat regular meals, didn’t exercise…EVER and didn’t see anything wrong with any of that. I was 165 lbs and was wearing a size 14….I’m 5’ tall, so it was not a pretty sight!

During my first challenge group, I worked my butt off and lost 13.5 lbs and 22.3 inches!
I stopped drinking Mt Dew and now drink nothing but water and my Shakeology! I exercise daily and I love it! I wake up before my kids, so I can get my workout in before the craziness starts each day. I used to hate breakfast but now enjoy the first meal of my day. I started meal planning and even started to enjoy cooking, something I had always hated before.  The whole family is eating better and my husband has even lost some weight!

During my second challenge group, my results weren’t as good, but that’s okay too! I only lost 2 lbs and I actually gained .3 inches, but I am still a work in progress and for me it's never been about the numbers, it's always been about wanting to feel better and live healthier…and I’m doing that, every single day! I make that choice every day to get up and workout and to eat the right foods and to take care of myself! I am proud of myself for sticking with this and choosing to do what’s best for me!

When I first joined, I watched one of Sarah’s video’s and I can’t even remember what it was about right now, but she said something about how we all spent a lot of money to do this program and that we should take it seriously. If you don’t give it your all, you are only cheating yourself….that really stuck with me and I think about that when I am having a day that is a little rough. You have to take this seriously…You have to want this!
I know I did and I am sooooo glad I decided to do this for ME!
Stats as of February 19, 2016
Weight- 165 lbs
Chest- 42 in
Left Arm- 13
Right Arm-13.5
Waist- 40.5
Right Thigh- 23
Left Thigh 23
Stats as of April 16, 2017
Weight- 149.5
Chest- 36
Left Arm 12.5
Right Arm 12.5
Waist 32.5 inches
Hips 38.5
Right Thigh- 22
Left Thigh- 22.0

If you feel like you are ready to start your own journey just like Sara did, please fill out the application below and I will be in touch with you within 24 hours.
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