
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Postpartum Wrap Up

I have no idea where the last two months went. Somehow I blinked and she is already smiling at me and starting to coo. Our family now feels complete and we are finally starting to adjust to all of the "newness" of life with a newborn. She still gets up several times during the night as most breastfed babies do, so we are sleepy but we sure are happy. 

I am proud of myself for my dedication I put into my postpartum journey. Although I wasn't working out, I was committed to taking care of myself and trying my best to eat clean. There were certainly days when that didn't go according to plan, but I really was happy with the results I got from the effort I put in. I entered the labor and delivery floor weighting 167 lbs. Today I am sitting pretty at 130 lbs. I have ten to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy size. 

I rocked it at getting enough water. I aimed for over half of my weight in ounces each day. It helped to keep up with my milk supply and to keep me feeling hydrated. I noticed a huge difference in my skin the more I was able to drink. When I was slacking I saw it show up in the form of dry skin and dullness. Each Sunday I would meal plan. Some days I would find myself so busy I forgot to eat some of my meals but I tried my best and that's what matters most. 

I did incorporate Shakeology into my diet. I stuck with vegan. Gracie goes not have any dairy issues but I wanted to be sure so I stayed away from the whey that is in the regular version of Shakeology. Since I am drinking this, I have stopped taking my prenatal vitamins and am only using this. 

The doctor cleared me for exercise on a few short weeks ago. This week I just stared a 21 day rapid burn program called Shift Shop to kick my butt back into shape. The meal plan is high protein and fat with low carb. It is different than the one I am used to following so I am excited about this new challenge.  I plan to modify if I need to which is fine because the program has a modifier. After only doing light workouts for almost a year I am finding myself rather out of shape.

postpartum transformation, shift shop womens results, shift shop meal plan, shift shop transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
Strength is something that develops with time. 
At first the early morning workouts seem awful, the cookies seem more attractive than the veggies and the voice inside your head tries to convince you to quit. 
If you can keep showing up it gets a little easier each day, but you first have to struggle thru the transition. 

So for now I'll groan when the early morning alarm goes off, I'll settle for the lighter weights and I'll convince myself the veggies taste delicious. 
I'll fight thru the beginning because I know what's in store if I refuse to quit. Challenge yourself to get uncomfortable and push a little harder today.

postpartum transformation, shift shop womens results, shift shop meal plan, shift shop transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
My week one meal plan. This week is rather similar to what I am used to when it comes to meal planning but each week as the program progresses I will have more carb elimination take place. 
I will continue to share my journey with you as I take on the Shift Shop program. I have exactly ten pounds to drop and I plan to do it in the next month or two. Come back each week for a recap of my progress and a meal plan. If you would like to join me - fill out the application below and I will get you a spot in my next support group so you can get results similar to mine. 

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