
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Postpartum Journey - Week 3 Update

Week 3 Wrap- Up 21 day fix meal plan for breastfeeding moms, post pregnancy meal plan, postpartum meal plan, postpartum nutrition, postpartum weightless, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

How in the world can my baby already be three weeks old? I have no idea where the time is going. I will be quite honest, I have been lost in a fog of newborn life. I have been getting SO much less accomplished than usual and have simply been soaking her up. At first this was stressing me out. Each day I would make a to-do list and only accomplish like half of what was on it. Then I started to remind myself how much we wanted this baby. How hard we prayed and how short this period of time is. So I decided to change my perspective and just slow down. This is a season. I can do more later. For now I need to just soak her up. 

21 day fix meal plan for breastfeeding moms, post pregnancy meal plan, postpartum meal plan, postpartum nutrition, postpartum weightless, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
One of my many healthy meals I enjoyed last week. 
Still no workouts this week and still following my meal plan using the portion control containers along with drinking Shakeology daily. There were a few days that Shakeology really helped stop my chocolate cravings dead it their tracks. I was glad to be able to drink that instead of the brownie blizzard I was craving all week from Dairy Queen. I stopped using my prenatal vitamin now and am only drinking Shakeology in it's place. The baby seems to be fine with me drinking it. No stomach issues for her. I have even tried both the regular and vegan formulas to see if it made a difference for her. Often babies have trouble with dairy so some of my clients have to do vegan because of that, but it seems she's good either way. 

Some have asked me if my meal plan was enough to keep up my nursing supply. My answer is yes for sure. This is PLENTY of food. To be honest I have even been pumping a few times a day to start building my stash for the freezer.

21 day fix meal plan for breastfeeding moms, post pregnancy meal plan, postpartum meal plan, postpartum nutrition, postpartum weightless, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
Clean eating and shakeology are working well for me. Postpartum belly is starting to go away! 
As I mentioned last week I am not taking measurements or pulling out the scale right now. I need to be patient and kind to my body and my body image so I can't tell you how much I "dropped" but I can tell you I am liking what I see in the mirror when it comes it my waistline. Little by little the pregnancy look is going away. To the extent that I actually wore my bikini this week outside. Okay I didn't GO ANYWHERE in it and I won't, but I did manage to wear it and play with my little guy in his pool outside. I am going to need a new swimsuit though to wear in public. The tops that I have right now are WAY to small for this nursing momma. I am still not sure what kind I want to get. I sort of want to get a sexy but chic one piece. Some of them are great. It's not that I "can't" wear a bikini it's more so that I don't know if I want to this summer. Between nursing and that dark dark line I have going up my belly from pregnancy, I may just keep my stomach covered up this year. One pieces can look awesome too right? Besides I am starting to feel a little old for a bikini anyways lately. Stay tuned on that one.

21 day fix meal plan for breastfeeding moms, post pregnancy meal plan, postpartum meal plan, postpartum nutrition, postpartum weightless, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
GOAL - To be able to fit back into my wedding rings again soon. My hubby was less than amused when I asked if he could buy me a new one to wear for now. It was a firm no. Guess I have some work to do. At least it is now fitting half way down my finger. 
Here is what I will be eating this coming week. I have to admit my sugar monster is getting better the longer I am eating clean like I have been. The first week back to eating this way I was craving sugar like it was my J.O.B but that is starting to subside. I am finding myself crave heathy foods again. I have also been doing a pretty good job of sticking to my gluten free lifestyle. Towards the end of pregnancy I got away from it and my body was hurting because of it. This meal plan like all of my others is gluten free and as a result pretty low carb as well.
21 day fix meal plan for breastfeeding moms, post pregnancy meal plan, postpartum meal plan, postpartum nutrition, postpartum weightless, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
Most weeks I like to have this all typed up but I am learning that life with a newborn is all about survival. I should just be happy I have a meal plan right? ;) 
I am getting closer and closer to be able to exercise. Feeling so ready for some toned arms and legs again. Momma misses her workouts! 

In the event that you too are a postpartum mom and are looking for some support, please take a minute to fill out the application below. I will be in touch about including you in my bouncing back after baby challenge group.

Until next week friends! Thanks for following the journey! 

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