
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Are You Willing To Bet On Your Results?

May 8th Diet Bet Challenge 

diet bet, weight loss, help with weight loss, healthy pregnancy, pregnancy workouts, post partum transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
As you may already know, each month I run an online accountability and support group for my clients to help them get results with the programs and meal plans they are following. When they start with me we talk about the habits they currently have, what they want to change and the results that they want to work towards. From there I help them find a fitness and nutrition program that best suits the needs that they have. 

Many find the journey to be easier when they are a challenger in one of my groups. As you may already know it can be easy to buy a workout program and have good intentions, but the follow thru and doing it is a lot harder than you would think. That's where the groups come into play and are helpful for my clients who really need help sticking with it. Each day in the group I post 3 - 4 times a day to help keep them motivated. Some posts are recipes, some fitness tips tricks or motivation. I like to change it up often. We use the Beachbody app called my challenge tracker to not only track progress, but also to interact with one another. Many new friendships are often formed because of these groups. 

This challenge group atmosphere seems to be what helps women stay on the weight loss path compared to when they try to just do a program on their own. Because of these groups I have been lucky enough to coach women on their journey to 60+ lb weigh loss transformations and lots of other transformations in between that number. 

Beginning on May 8th I am going to be adding an extra layer of fun to this months challenge group. We are going to be doing a diet bet as well. The money pot will get split two ways. Prizes will be given to the challenger who interacts the most as well as the challenger who has the biggest overall weight loss and inches transformation. There will be a $20.00 buy in to this prize pot from each challenger. Obviously participation in the prize pot is not a requirement to be in the group however it would be to be eligible for the prize money. The prize money will be awarded on June 4th to the winners. 

Please fill out the application below to be considered for the challenge group. 

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

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