
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Focus On Food - February Nutrition Challenge

fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, weight loss, weight loss support, clean eating, healthy moms, meal planning,

As I near more closely into the thrid trimester of my pregnancy I am focusing hard on my nutrition and a little bit less on my fitness like I had before I was expecting. I am doing yoga and trying to keep my body limber and strong, but my nutrition has been what has been most important to me. When I had my first baby I gained 57 lbs because I ate whatever I felt like it. I treated pregnancy as a pass to go hog wild on junk foods. This time around I have been much more concious about what I was fueling my body with. There are going to be five years between my two children. Over the course of those five years I learned a new way when it came to nutrition. 

I spent the first two years of my son's life reaching for fast food. I could have lived off of potato chips and lattes from the drivethru at Starbucks. I finally woke up one day and said enough was enough. I had to learn to be healthier not just for ME but also because I needed my family to be healthy too. I decided to make a change and joined a challenge group because even though I wanted to be healthy I really needed help. I needed someone to hold me accountable and teach me "how" to actually make it happen. 

Well guess what... it worked for me. Clean eating became the norm and my desire to eat junk food began to diminish. I learned that healthy foods can actually be delicious and that 30 minutes of exercise a day actually made me a less stressed crazy mom. 

I drank Shakeology daily because it actually made me feel better. I stopped craving junk foods and saw a huge change in my digestion. I never realized how much I was lacking in vitamins and minerals until I started to add them in. Shakeology helped make my skin glow and hair and nails grow like a weed. While I will admit I was so skeptical at first, I have hardly missed a day since I started drinking it. I really can say it's worth every penny. 

fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, weight loss, weight loss support, clean eating, healthy moms, meal planning,
During the month of February the challenge that I am going to host a challenge will have a HUGE focus on food. I want to share with you what I have learned about what a powerful tool nutrition can be to taking back your life and creating new habits so you can live longer and be stronger. 

fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, weight loss, weight loss support, clean eating, healthy moms, meal planning,
Not only will I be teaching you how to meal plan, but also how to fall in love with HEALTHY eating. I promise during this time you will NOT feel like you are on any type of diet. In fact, by the end of the challenge you probably won't event want to return back to your old ways. I will teach you how to manage portion control and tips for keeping up with this lifestyle on a budget. 

fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, weight loss, weight loss support, clean eating, healthy moms, meal planning,
In addition to our focus on foods I will also help you to pick a Beachbody fitness program that best suits your goals. After we pick a program you will be added into the challeng group for support and accountability. It's easy to buy a fitness program with good intentions but it's hard to stick with it. That's why having a coach and a support group is the piece that so many are missing. I find those who commit go "ALL IN" as a challenger are the ones who get the best results. 
fit pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, weight loss, weight loss support, clean eating, healthy moms, meal planning,
If this seems like something you are in need of and are ready to join me please fill out the application below. There are a limited number of spots so apply quickly to be considered. We will begin on Monday February 20th, 2017. 

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