
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Wishing You The Most Wonderful Holiday

Happy Holidays From My Family To Yours... 

From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you all a joyful holiday season. As we approach the last week leading up to the holidays, I hope that you can keep in mind what the season is truly all about and keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart. Your family does not care what gifts are under the tree or how perfect your cookies taste or even if you baked them yourself. They care about you. Your presence during the holidays and the love you bring. 

Take some time this week to be a blessing to others. Do something that feels good with the expectation of nothing in return and most of all keep your spirits bright and be a light to others. 

We spent a lot of time this month trying to teach our son why we really celebrate this holiday. We devoted time each day to read a story from our advent book to teach him more about Christ. We made cookies. We shopped, we wrapped, we saw Santa and the holiday lights. The list goes on but the moral of the story is we are ready for next Sunday. However more than ever I can proudly say that my family has the spirit of Christmas in our hearts. More than we ever have had in years past. It took more effort, but with some work our focus became less and less on presents and more and more on giving and true joy. I have to say it feels wonderful. 

Our little man brings so much light to the holiday season. He has such a big heart and is so looking forward to Christmas morning. His excitement has been contagious; as you can probably relate to if you have a small child yourself. It really does make the holidays more fun. 

While I admit that I am anxiously awaiting to watch him open all of the presents on Christmas morning, I am also looking forward to watching him stand beside me during the Christmas Eve mass basking in the excitement of the joy that is to come. Hearing his sweet little voice belt out the Christmas carols he has been signing so loudly all month at home reminds me that we are on the right path with him. He has "Hark The Herold Angels Sing" down to a T. I am sure everyone around us at mass that night with have a big smile listening to him. 

I am also looking forward to the surprise that we have waiting for us on Christmas morning. On Thursday this week we will be finding out the gender of the baby that is arriving in May. We are going to ask that we wait to find out and have them put pink or blue confetti in a box that we will open last on Christmas morning. I really cannot think of a more special memory for the three of us to experience together. 

This year has been a roller coaster of emotions and celebrations. To say we have expereinced changes is an understatement. Some good and some not so good, but we grew stronger as a family because of it. 

I thank you all for allowing me to be a part of your life. Maybe as your coach, maybe as your go to for healthy recipes, maybe for inspiration or maybe just a friend on social media or in"real life." I want you to know you all matter to me and I am forever grateful that you allow me into your world. I look forward to helping many of you in the coming months. 

May your days leading up to Christmas and the New Year be Merry and Bright. 
All our love!
Sarah, Kevin, Carter and Baby Griffith 

* If your wondering why you didn't get a Christmas card this year it's because I just didn't send them. Instead I spent the month making memories with the family. I know you understand. Enjoy the pictures. They were supposed to be for the card, at least I did do that. HA HA. Maybe next year. 

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