
Friday, December 30, 2016

Eating For Two... Second Trimester Meal Plan

Second Trimester Eating healthy pregnancy, second trimester meal plans, second trimester, pregnancy meal plans, exercise while pregnant, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

For those of you who are expecting, I wanted to share my weekly meal plan with you all to give you an idea of what I am eating each week. I will be honest and say I am much more lax about sticking to this than I am when I am not pregnant. Some days I have food aversions and what was planned doesn't sound so appetizing to me so I switch it up. Some days I starving for more than what is planned so I have an additional snack and some days I can't eat all of this. Basically it is my guide to keep me somewhat on track so that I can maintain a healthy weight during this pregnancy. 

You will notice that the meal plan is color coded. That is because I am still following the 21 day fix portion control container system when it comes to eating. In case you are new to this system, below is an image representing what each color is for. After the pregnancy is over I will get back to following the allotted containers more strictly. For now, they are just a guide for to be be sure I am eating enough and not over doing it in a certain area. 
healthy pregnancy, second trimester meal plans, second trimester, pregnancy meal plans, exercise while pregnant, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

I truly feel so much better this second time around when it comes to the pregnancy. During my first I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and because of that I gained 57 lbs. The doctors were less than thrilled and it was really difficult to get rid of all that weight after the fact even with breastfeeding. This time around I have made a conscious approach to eat healthy, do modified exercise and realize that eating for two does not mean eating 4,000 calories a day. You really should only be adding in an additional 350- 400 calories a day. I am not stressing about it. I am simply enjoying the pregnancy and feeding the baby healthy foods. 

If your expecting and could use some help with your meal planning or incorporating modified exercise into your lifestyle please fill out the application below and I will be in touch within 24 hours.  Or even if your not expecting and would just like some help feel free to also fill this out.

healthy pregnancy, second trimester meal plans, second trimester, pregnancy meal plans, exercise while pregnant, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

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