
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Country Heat Week 2 Recap

Week Two & Counting - Country Heat

Week two brought with a a few struggles that I had not planned for. My grandmother passed away on Tuesday. While I actually still stayed on track and did my workouts each day I found myself struggling with my nutrition. I just didn't feel like eating all that much and I will confess I had a few slip ups with my eating. One of which included a not so gluten free pizza. If your following my journey with this you know that I am staying gluten free because of my Hashimotos disease. It is an autoimmuine disease where my body attacks my thyroid and prevents it from functioning correctly. There is lots of research indicating that that eliminating gluten can help make me feel a lot better. I have found this to be true and have been working hard for many months to be strictly gluten free. 
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The workouts have become easier for me. I actually have some of them down enough that I wouldn't even be embarassed if others saw me dancing to them. What I am enjoying most about Country Heat is that it's truly fun and a great workout. It does not feel like "work." I have found myself looking forward to the workout time each day. This week we added in an additional 23 minute dance conditioning routine on top of the daily workout twice a week. We learned two new routines to keep it interesting. I would highly reccommend not skipping the dance conditioning one because it seems to be how I am going to really tone my core and arms. Country Heat has lots of lower body work and this seems to be a great way to work the upper body. 
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This week I had much fancier meals than usual. I had signed us up for a weeks worth of Blue Apron dinners and man were they ever delicious and sophisticated. I was impressed with the freshness of the food and how elobrate and healthy the recipes were. I would reccommend anyone give it a try. 
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I posted this picture and quote earlier this week on social media. The quote spoke a lot to me about how far I have come on my own health and fitness journey. I have made so many changes, I truly would never want to go back to the old me. It wasn't something that happened over night but little by little I began to become a healthier and happier Sarah. You can too with the right mindset. 
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Below you will find the meal plan I will be following for week 3. No Blue Apron this week for us, I had to do the planning and prepping this week. Thinking I will do Blue Apron again next week though. Most all of it fix into my meal plan for Country Heat. 
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