
Monday, August 29, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps Mens Results

Hot Husband Alert 

For a very, very long time. I have been working out solo. I began my own transformation journey two and a half years ago and when I did I was on the journey by myself. My husband supported me and cheered me on, but never really joined me. Every once in awhile he would join me for a few weeks and would get on track but for some reason his habits just couldn't stick. I would always tease him that he was my most difficut challenger. He works long hours and his day starts very early so finding the time was always the issue and cutting out fast food. He loves a good burger and had a serious Pepsi habit that he wanted to break. 
22 minute hard corps, 22 minute hard corps transformation, 22 minute hard corps mens transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, mens weight loss story,

At the beginning of the summer he decided one day that he was going to do 22 Minute Hard Corps the whole way thru and actually do it. As excited as I was for him, I have to be honest and say I wasn't so sure how long he would stick with it because of his prior track record with programs. Sure enough he just kept showing up. Week after week he kept heading to the basement to press play. Some weeks he would miss a day or two but he would double up when that would happen. I was impressed - he was sweating it out on vacations, over holidays and even when we were really busy. Each time he would finsh a workout and would come upstairs covered in sweat, I could see that not only was it working, but he was having fun and it was changing him. 
22 minute hard corps, 22 minute hard corps transformation, 22 minute hard corps mens transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, mens weight loss story,

While I would love to tell you that his eating habits were spot on and he followed the meal plan to a T I can't tell you that because he didn't. He was much more aware of what he was eating and certianly cut a lot of his bad food habits out. He ditched the soda and switched it out for propel water. I still can't get him to drink just plain water. He even started drinking Shakeology regularly midway thru. 
22 minute hard corps, 22 minute hard corps transformation, 22 minute hard corps mens transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, mens weight loss story,

Now that he has finished the 60- day program, he is gearing up to start the 90 day Body Beast program to bulk up and continute to lean out. He needed the cardio from 22 minute Hard Corps to get rid of the excess body fat he was carrying. 

Stay tuned for his next transformation. I think he's in it for the long haul now. If you see him in person or know him - give him some love because he made it thru an entire program during a really difficult time of year. To be able to have a transformation story in the summer months is something worth celebrating. 

Interested in getting results like my husband did? Fill out the application below and I will be in touch to get you added into a challenge group shortly. 

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