
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Summer Survival Group

summer survival, summer weight loss program, summer recipes, summer boot camp, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

Starting on July 18th I will be offering a 30 day accountability and support group to help my future clients begin a new health and fitness journey for themselves. This is a journey that I took myself a few short years ago.

I was a mom who was sick and tired for putting everyone else first. I didn't have a ton of weight to get rid of, but I did have room to improve when it came to my habits. I was living off of junk food, lattes and little sleep. The thought of having time to exercise was a joke and I never felt like I ever had any time for myself. Finally I decided enough was enough and I needed to change my ways so that my son could be raised in a home with healthy habits when it came to nutrition and exercise.

I would be lying if I told you it was easy. Changing your habits is hard work but I will say I was able to do it because I was in a challenge group. I had a coach who held me accountable. You see it's really easy to buy a workout program with good intentions of doing it, but what's hard is sticking with it. Thats what the group helped me with. It made it so I didn't quit. I had to "check in" daily and not just share my journey with my coach but also with lots of other challengers in my group. I felt like I didn't want to let anyone down and it made me so committed.

summer survival, summer weight loss program, summer recipes, summer boot camp, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

I ended up getting the results I wanted, but it also made me want to be a coach so I could help others feel as great as I did. I was amazed how quickly I could turn my habits around and how fast I saw results become I went "all in."

This month I will be sharing with my challengers several summer recipes to enjoy. In the group we will mix it up with some healthy summer food options. I am going to get creative and find some not so ordinary summer recipes to try. 
One of the many recipes I will be sharing in this challenge. Our goal will be to make healthy summer eating fun and delicious. 
In addition I will try my best to make meal planning seem less like a chore and more like fun. We will even be having a few in person activites to help the challengers strengthen their bond. Obviously not all of my clients live in the same area so some will miss out on that part, but for my local clients this is something exciting and new for them to get to enjoy.

If you would be interested in joining, I would need for you to sign up for a free team Beachbody account so that I can be your coach. You can do this by clicking here and clicking JOIN. Once you sign up for your free account you will need to reach out to me letting me know you would like to be a part of this. I will get you added into the group shortly after that.

Your requirement would be to agree to go "all in" with this. You would need to agree to give it your best for 30 days. You would be following a clean eating meal plan, drinking Shakeology daily and doing your daily workouts. I will help you find a program that is best for you depending on what your goals are. 

Please let me know if you would like more information. You can fill out the application below or just send me an email and I will be in touch shortly. 

 I look forward to being the one who helps you change the your habits for good this time. 

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