
Friday, January 15, 2016

The Master's Hammer and Chisel Mid Point Check In


hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,

hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,
Still here rocking this one together! Starting to see some awesome results! 
I don't know what it is but for some reason since Christmas I have been struggling to get back on track with Hammer and Chisel. WE LOVE IT but we really have been in vacation mode AKA slacker mode. I did awesome during the holidays but for some reason after the holidays is where I have fallen short. I battled the flu right after Christmas then spent the past week traveling for a Beachbody event. There were lots of dinner and lunch parties that took me out of my typical routine for meal planning. While I did "pretty good" last week I still think I could have done better. I only missed two workouts but my nutrition was still just so so. I can't seem to eat enough. I keep skipping out on my veggies. So this week I was supposed to take my mid point photos and weight myself. While I am starting to notice a change in my upper body and my pants are getting a little tiny bit big, I am not getting as "cut" as I know I could be if I were on point with following the containers. Hence why the transformation is not so dramatic. 
hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,
Totally loving my new workout tank! 100% truth!! 
Last week I tried a few new yummy recipes that I wanted to share them with you. Both were out of this world amazing!! Click on the following links for the recipes. Quinoa Berry Parfait  and Ham and Bean Soup 

hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,

hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,
While I was a little nervous about this one, it was a perfect morning treat. I wasn't sold on quinoa in yogurt but it actually was awesome.
For the duration of the program I am looking forward to doing what I said I would and sticking to the plan. Even on the weekends which seems to be where I am falling short. I just started a new challenge group this week to help some new clients get healthy. I think that accountability piece with them is really going to help me too. As long as I have been doing this who coaching gig, I still find I need to treat my own journey the way I did in the beginning as a challenger myself and my results tend to be much better. There truly is strength in numbers.

Here is the meal plan I will be following this week. FOR REAL ;)

hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,

hammer and chisel meal plan, sarah griffith, the masters hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel couples transformation, what is the masters hammer and chisel,
Loving my nail and hair transformation I am getting from Shakeology. Check out these nails! 100% REAL!! My body loves the vitamins! 
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