
Friday, January 29, 2016

Hammer & Chisel Week 5 Recap

-Getting Closer To Our Goals - 

Hammer and Chisel meal plan, Hammer and Chisel recipes, Hammer and chisel transformations, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,

We are back in action. If you have been following my weekly recaps from Hammer and Chisel you would have read that we lost a little bit of motivation for a few weeks. It wasn't that we were outright not doing it we just were not focused like I knew we should have been. Something clicked last weekend leading into this week and I was back in the game and motivated. I was really proud of myself for not missing a workout this week. We mostly stuck to the meal plan I had created for us and I even tried a few new recipes. We put together a pretty awesome broccoli cheese soup recipe that was really simple and quick. 

Hammer and Chisel meal plan, Hammer and Chisel recipes, Hammer and chisel transformations, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,

My partner in crime was also back in action with me and for a few of the days our little man joined us too. He told us he likes working out with the "sweaty guy" compared to the girl. The sweaty guy is Sagi from Hammer and Chisel and the girl is Autumn both are the trainers we workout with on the program. 
Hammer and Chisel meal plan, Hammer and Chisel recipes, Hammer and chisel transformations, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,

Mid week I celebrated turning the big 2-9! It was an awesome day. My friends and family treated me like a queen. Lots of presents, flowers, cards and love. Excited for this year. I really feel like big things are coming my way. I have been working hard on a lot of personal and business goals to create what I call life by design. I have a feeling my hard work will soon be paying off. On my birthday we went out to dinner. I even had some cake and ice cream this week so there were a few treats. Honestly though, that does not phase me. This has never been about a diet, rather a lifestyle change. I eat clean 90% of the time. A few treats won't kill me. 

One thing that I have found very motivating is the fact that I am starting to see a physical transformation in myself which has not always been common with me. I have not lost weight in awhile and I weigh more than I did when I started my journey because of the muscle I gained. However,  I am currently down 6 lbs since starting the program. Which for me is actually quite a lot! 

Here's to keeping up this motivation in the coming week ahead of me. Getting closer to the end of the program. Going to add in the 10 minute ab additions as often as I can in these next few weeks. You may remember this but my husband and I are competing against one another for the best transformation. I am hoping I win, but he may still beat me. Something about a girl with goals, she's pretty hard to beat if you know what I mean. 

Below you will find what this weeks meal plan looks like! This is my number one tool for being successful with healthy eating. Meal planning is a must for everyone! 

Hammer and Chisel meal plan, Hammer and Chisel recipes, Hammer and chisel transformations, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,

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