
Monday, December 7, 2015

Ready Set Go - Hammer & Chisel

Hammer & Chisel Program Prep Week Donehammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel, hammer and chisel meal plan, hammer and chisel review, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

Well after waiting for months to start the program, today is go time. I learned about Hammer and Chisel the newest program from Beachbody this past summer when the program was announced at our Coach Summit. It looked like something I wanted to try along with my husband. Typically I do the programs by myself but this one seemed like a good one for us to do together. For months we have been talking about it and were anxious to get started with it. Of course last week when it launched I was one of the first to get my hands on it and order. We did some prepping over the weekend to get ready. We made sure we had all of the required equipment, did our meal planning and prep along with our before measurements. Today we will get ready to take on week one of eight. I really was not looking forward to the before pictures and measurements but I know that this is necessary if I want to see any progress while I am doing this. The scale might tell you a number difference but the picture shows the true transformation.

hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel, hammer and chisel meal plan, hammer and chisel review, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

One of the pros so far of this week is that our grocery bill was way down. I did not buy any foods that would get us off track from our goals that we have. It was mostly all fresh organic foods. Very few items that were processed. While we did go the organic route, not buying the processed snacks helped to save some money.
hammer and chisel, the masters hammer and chisel, hammer and chisel meal plan, hammer and chisel review, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
Our day one meals prepped and ready to be put in our lunch boxes before we take on the challenge. 
My husband and I are doing this competition style to see who can get the better transformation. I am in pretty great shape and eat clean 90% of the time. He on the other hand has not worked out in months and has been eating more junk food that he would like to so honestly my bets are on him for the transformation win. I plan to give him a good run for his money though.

Day one without my morning coffee before my shake. Added in the focused energy boot to help with my caffeine withdrawal. 
Check back weekly on my blog to get a progress update with how the week went and see our weekly meal plan. Stay tuned!

If you are interested in joining us in one of my challenge groups, please fill out this application below - I will be in touch within 24 hours.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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