
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Curious About What I Do As A Coach?

Live Q & A Session With A Top Beachbody Coach 

beachbody coach?, What does a beachbody coach do? Sarah Griffith, top beachbody coach, team fit & fabulous, elite beachbody coach,

If you follow me on social media, you might notice some of my posts about challenge groups and coaching and how this opportunity has "changed our world." You might be thinking great, good for her but seriously what the heck does this girl actually do? How do so many people do it? Chances are if you are on social media you have at least one other friend who is a coach. Aside from taking a few too many selfies and posting them on social media many might question what is her actual job with Beachbody? I get it, I used to wonder the same thing about my own coach before I jumped in. This Thursday December 3, 2015 I am blocking out time in my schedule to meet with anyone who might be interested in learning more about coaching. I will answer commonly asked questions about the opportunity. In addition, I will spill the beans about income, the trips I get to take and even talk about the friendships I have made along the way. After this two hour live event you will be better able to make your own decision if coaching is right for you.

You don't need to go anywhere, all you need to to join this Facebook group (Click on the highlighted link) and log in at 8:00 pm eastern standard time. I will post a video every 10 minutes and will wrap things up with a live call with all of you at 9:15 pm. 

Please fill out this application before you join the group so I know who to expect. This live session is only being offered for those who are not already a coach or working with an active coach. New or current customers only please. 

beachbody coach?, What does a beachbody coach do? Sarah Griffith, top beachbody coach, team fit & fabulous, elite beachbody coach,

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