
Monday, September 14, 2015

Just A Girl Who Decided To Go For It...

It's Time To Start Living The Life You Have Only Imagined 

transformation story, financial freedom, work from home, fitness coach, top beachbody coach state college, sarah griffith, elite beachbody coach,

The business of Beachbody coaching has allowed me the privilege to interact with many people on social media that I don't actually know in "real life". At first it was very difficult networking with so many "strangers" but I quickly learned that I loved the interactions and was able to form connections with many. I remember reaching out to one of my newest coaches Shianne this past winter. When I first started talking with her we had a great connection but she had zero interest in what I did as a Beachbody coach. She was and still is a gym lover to the core. She was already fit and seemed to have clean eating down.
transformation story, financial freedom, work from home, fitness coach, top beachbody coach state college, sarah griffith, elite beachbody coach,

 Most would see her and quickly move on to someone else who needed more guidance in getting healthy. But not me.... What I quickly learned about Shianne is that she has a CRAZY strong work ethic and works harder than ANYONE I know. I have no idea how on earth she does everything and still seems so put together, but she literally is like SuperWoman. She is working four jobs and seems to never stop. That in itself told me something about her. I knew from day one she would to whatever it was going to take to be successful and I wanted someone like her on my team.

To me I saw the Beachbody opportunity not as her saving grace for her health like it usually is the case for many. Rather to be her saving grace from the chaotic life she is living right now. She has a stunning little girl who I know she would love nothing more than to spend more time at home with her.
transformation story, financial freedom, work from home, fitness coach, top beachbody coach state college, sarah griffith, elite beachbody coach,

She is a dreamer wants big amazing things for her family. I have no doubt that she has what it takes to be successful in this business. I knew I had her golden ticket to a different lifestyle and I felt compelled to share it with her. Let me just say signing Shianne up as a coach on my team was not an easy thing to do. However, I saw my role as a business mentor too important to not continue to extend the offer. I knew that from a business perspective, I had the power to change not only her life but her entire families life so I stayed consistent and kept offering to take her under my wing. It wasn't until after she joined me for Super Saturday in Pittsburgh that she finally saw how much potential there was for her in this company. That evening she took the first steps towards creating something bigger than she could ever imagine for her family and signed up to be a coach. As I guessed, she has been a rock star from day one and is already helping so many of her own challengers  have amazing weight loss transformations.

transformation story, financial freedom, work from home, fitness coach, top beachbody coach state college, sarah griffith, elite beachbody coach,
Of course I had to share her own transformation with you. She did one round of the 21 day fix. As you can see, she was already fit but looks even more amazing now! 

Keep your eyes on this girl she's going straight to the top of this company. Just sit back and watch.

If you have been considering the Beachbody opportunity and would like to be mentored like I have been mentoring Shianne, please fill out the application below and I will be in touch within 24 hours.

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