
Monday, July 27, 2015

Beachbody Coaching - Why Not You Too?

Time To Go After Something That Could Change Your World

work from home, work from home opportunities, beachbody coaching, be your own boss, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach, sarah griffith, coaching, girls

I know that some of you have been following me on social media and have noticed that the Beachbody coaching opportunity has been a big game changer for my life but also for my families. Some of you are silently watching in the background and I know the thought has come across your mind why not me too? If she can do it why couldn't I? I know that feeling because I had the same one. I watched my coach for many months before I got brave and decided I had what it took to be successful and I was not any different than her. If she could be successful maybe I could too. I took a leap of faith and it was the best decision I ever made. I never looked back. My world just got better and better. I became a new me. I was healthier, happier, more passionate and I also have become a bit wealthier in the process.

Because of this opportunity I have been lucky enough to be someone's saving grace when it comes to weight loss. I have taught women how to feel confident again in their own skin and how to love the body they were given. Not only does this opportunity give you the power to help others from a health and fitness stand point but I also now have the power to help people gain financial freedom for their family. This opportunity can be as big or small as you want it to be. Maybe you want to have some spending money, maybe grocery money or maybe even the opportunity to replace the income from your full time job. The cool part about this business is you are your own CEO. You decide what you want to make from it and the potential is limitless. The harder you work the better it gets.
work from home, work from home opportunities, beachbody coaching, be your own boss, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach, sarah griffith, coaching, girls
Having too much fun in Nashville! - Flex Friday baby! 
work from home, work from home opportunities, beachbody coaching, be your own boss, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach, sarah griffith, coaching, girls
A handful of the powerful women that I get to work with! This was taken in Nashville after a training. Hence my cowgirl boots ;) 
 I also have been able to grow on a personal level into a leadership role that I have always wanted to take on. The company has afforded me the opportunity to travel to Mexico all expenses paid, travel to Nashville for the coach summit event and also attend many Super Saturday trainings. Those opportunities have given me the chance to surround myself with the dreamers and the do-ers of the world. These people have taught me how to dream big and then go after it. They have shown me that I really can achieve a six figure income in a matter of a few short years because of this business. They are all proof that it is possible.
work from home, work from home opportunities, beachbody coaching, be your own boss, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach, sarah griffith, coaching, girls
Having some fun at the last Super Saturday we had in Pittsburgh! It doesn't hurt to add that I am part of the number one team in the network and that the top coach Melanie Mitro is one of my business mentors!
You see I didn't set out with big goals like that but it just sort of happened. Then little by little a little became a lot and this month I finally am able to say that I have surpassed what I make in a month as a teacher just doing Beachbody on the side part time. I work my business 5 days a week when my son is in bed. I work from 8 - 11 pm each night in my pajamas. I do this because I know that if I am willing to work a few years like many won't I can spend the rest of my life living like others can only dream of and that to me is worth all the late nights.

Another thing that I have found in Beachbody is a sisterhood of friends and supporters. My team has become some of my best friends. Everyone is so supportive of each other and empowers one another to do better. We don't compete we push each other forward. It's a world of positivity and happiness. It's also a world that is focused on well being with exercise and healthy eating. From the outside looking in not everyone gets it, but from the inside looking out I question why anyone wouldn't want to be a part of this. Your crazy if you pass up this opportunity. I am so glad I pushed aside the doubt and just believed in myself. You should consider doing the same thing. Stop coming up with reasons why YOU can't do this and think of one reason why you can. I will teach you the ropes and get you trained. While you may be in business for yourself you will never be in business by yourself. I will be here coaching you along the way.

work from home, work from home opportunities, beachbody coaching, be your own boss, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach, sarah griffith, coaching, girls
A few of my amazing coaches and I hanging out for some team bonding this summer! 
This week I will be offering a 5 day sneak peak into what coaching is. Thursday July 30th my team will host a business opportunity call and from there if you decide you want to go all in I will start a new business boot camp in early August for you to be a part of. Please email me or fill out the application below if you are interested in learning more.

Because honestly what do you have to lose? Why not you?

work from home, work from home opportunities, beachbody coaching, be your own boss, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach, sarah griffith, coaching, coach summit, super workout, nashville
This was taken at Summit during our Super Workout - pretty amazing how many people have decided to jump at the opportunity. Maybe next year you could be among this crowd! 

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