
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Aerial Yoga - My Virginia Beach Souvenir

Check That One Off The Bucket List!

This past week we were on vacation in Virigina Beach and as we were driving down I got to thinking about my bucket list and wondered if there was anything I could cross off that week while I had some extra help. (my mom and her husband were with us for the trip). It dawned on me that I had been wanting to try aerial yoga so I quickly checked my phone to see if there were any place locally I could try out. Right away Airotique Studio popped up. I looked at the class schedule and they had an opening for two that Wednesday night we were going to be there. I booked them and talked my mom into coming along. She was not nearly as excited about it as I was but was a good sport anyways! 
aerial yoga, yoga, flexibility, bucket list, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,
Our teacher Nikki! She was a great help! 
When we got there we were told we had to take off all jelwery and needed to be free from any lotions. I read that you should wear long pants so I planned ahead and went with my lulu yoga ones. They had zippers so they actually put some duck tape on me so that I did not harm the silk we would be hanging out in for the next hour. No cameras were allowed back in the studio so I was not able to take as many pictures as I would have liked! 

aerial yoga, yoga, flexibility, bucket list, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,
Can you say excited?? If you look behind me you can see the silk hammoks we got to use
All I can say is while this looks like lots of fun and simple it's actually very challenging and required more upper body strength than I could have guessed. We got to do some pretty crazy poses and hang upside down. My mom was a fan of the full hammok pose where we got to lay in them and rest :) She said she would never go back again and that I tortured her. I should also mention that my mom does not workout like it do. ;) Sorry mom! All in all I really liked it and was glad I went. The next morning  I woke up with sore hands and also felt sore where my "love handles" are. The silk piches you a bit when you hang from it! 
aerial yoga, yoga, flexibility, bucket list, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,
The owner had taken this picture when we were in action learning the basics
I would encourage anyone to give this a try just for something different! While I don't think I want to do it every week I am glad to be able to say I tried it!


  1. Thank you for finding us. It was a pleasure meeting both of you lovely ladies. You guys did great! Hope you come back to see us again soon. Healthy happy wishes to you in PA! Cynthia and the Airotique Staff

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