
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Back To School - Brown Bag Challenge

back to school, lunch packing ideas, brown bag lunches, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, back to school, healthy lunchbox ideas,

Are you the one who gets stuck packing lunches in your house? Yeah... me too. By June I often find myself bored to death with what I am putting in the lunch boxes.

Since school is starting up soon,  I wanted to create a free group where I share some fun healthy new ideas to make your lunch box packing a little easier as you send your children back to school this fall.

In addition to the fun ideas, I will also be doing some "lunch box goodies" giveaways.

Want to join us? Simply click here and request to join. (You would need to add me on Facebook so that I can add you into the group. Please send me a friend request.)

The event will take place August 7th - 11th.

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