
Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Beginner's Challenge

postpartum weightless, weightless help, weightless support, meal plan support, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

After being a coach for 3 1/2 years I have to say I wasn't a "beginner" anymore when it came to eating clean and exercising. Before getting pregnant I was the fittest I had ever been. I had clean eating down and I felt awesome. Then I spent the last 10 months being pregnant and lost a lot of muscle and quite honestly willpower to eat clean all of the time.

Now that I have been cleared for exercise again after being 6 weeks postpartum, I am feeling like a beginner once again. I am about 14 lbs away from what I was when I started and I swear all 14 lbs are resting in my back. For some reason all of my weight went there. Anyways, I am really excited and motivated to get started with my new transformation.

I am looking for some friends to join me in what I am calling the beginners challenge. This challenge group is for people who are at the BEGINNING of a transformation / weight loss journey. I want this group to be a safe space for those who are just learning. Sometimes I think the other challenge groups  that I run can be overwhelming for those who are just starting because often there are clients in the group who have already "been at it for awhile" and it makes them feel like they have so far to go. This group will not be that way. Because we will all be beginners, I think we are going to not only get some great results but also form some really special friendships.

During the challenge we will be following a meal plan and practicing clean eating all the while starting an exercise program and drinking Shakeology daily. Once you fill out the application below if you are interested, I will be in touch and we can work to find a program that best suites you and the goals you have for yourself.

Remember, your journey starts with you and a decision to not stay where you are anymore. Will it be easy? Nope, nothing worth having ever is but you will be so glad you started now and not six months from now.

Looking forward to getting to know you better and helping you along the journey. The challenge group will begin pre-season week on Monday July 10th.

Fill out my online form.
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