
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

She decided to believe in the girl looking back at her in the mirror

Country Heat Transformation  - Meet Sherry 
Country Heat, Womens Country Heat results, country heat meal plan, womens country heat transformation, womens weight loss, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

Before I share with you Sherry's story I wanted to give you a little back story to her journey. We formed a social media friendship around the spring of 2014. We chatted SEVERAL times back and forth after the last few years about Beachbody programs, Shakeology and clean eating. While she was interested in what I did as a coach she never was ready to join me. I respected that but kept inviting her and offering her a spot in my challenge group. I knew that eventually the timing might be right. I really wanted to help her and get to know her better and finally this past December she gave herself a gift. The gift of heath. She bought the 21 day fix challenge pack. It actually ended up being too hard on her joins so we switched her over to Country Heat. It's such an awesome program for beginner and I knew it was going to be a better fit since she was struggling with the fix. Sure enough it was exactly what she needed. One thing that she really did was well being active in the challenge group that I had her in. She shared her struggles, her workouts, her foods basically all of her journey with the group and with me. There were days when she wasn't feeling it but she showed up. 

SHE LOVED THE PROGRAM and as you can see she got some awesome results so far and is working hard right now on her round two transformation. 

The pictures says a lot but her smile really says it all. This is a woman who is taking back her life. 

I asked her to share a few words with you all to give anyone who might be where she was hope and inspiration to be willing to bet on yourself and give this a try. 

"Before beginning my weight loss journey with Beachbody, I had got to place in my life where I was unhappy with just about everything. My entire life has been finding different ways to change physically without working on the inside.   I was very ashamed at what I had let myself become both mentally and physically.  I had given up on myself, I definitely reached rock bottom! I was pretty hesitant to move forward with Beachbody for a long time but eventually the risk outweighed my fears. I’m so glad I decided to give it a try; Beachbody has given me my life back.  I have tons of energy and confidence. My cravings and sweet tooth have been cut down dramatically. I have lost 14lbs and 13.5 inches and counting. "

Please keep cheering her on. She actually was contacted by Beachbody's Success Story Team. They will be reaching out to her in March and are considering possibly sharing her story in some of their marketing for Country Heat. Here's to wishing her the best of luck with her journey! So so so proud of you! Keep believing in yourself!

Think you are ready to change your life like Sherry did? Fill out the application below. I will be in touch with you about joining me in my next upcoming challenge group.
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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