
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Crash Course In Self Care

Project Me... 30 Days of Self Care 

self care, project me, healthy pregnancy, fit pregnancy, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, international beachbody coaching, beachbody international, weight loss,

I have to tell you a little back story about how I went about planning my challenge group theme for this month. Each month I run a free group on social media. I like to add value to my followers as my thank you for their support while I build this business. Last month we did a 5 day crock pot boot camp. I wanted to offer them something fun this month that they felt like the "needed." I did a poll in the group and also on my Facebook page. The theme of "project me" a crash course in self care was really popular among my followers. Many expressed this was something they were struggling with BIG time. I also had a lot of interest in a sugar detox. What I decided to do was go ahead and do my free group around the theme of a detox from sugar and my challenge group around self care. I am excited to be offering something that had so much interest from everyone. 

I am hoping I can offer value to those who join this challenge group by giving them some strategies to make a little time for themselves each day. Of course like all of my monthly challenge groups, we will be focusing on clean eating and exercise to help you get healtheir, but I am planning to take that a step further. Life is hard. Stress is hard. Our expectations that we put upon ourself are often too much. We try to do it all and it leaves us doing everything but nothing well. This month we will take a step back and look at our actions and the stress we are allowing in our life. We will work to elimate some of it. In addition I will be sharing some of my best tips and tricks for self care that I have learned for myself along the way. 

This group will kick off on Monday March 20th. We will do a week of "pre-season" activities to get you ready to rock the challenge group followed by support and accountability in the coming weeks. The group will wrap up on Friday April 14th. We will use the Team Beachbody My Challenge Tracker app as the platform to log your workouts and monitor your progress. I will teach you how to use this. 

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about this months support group. If you are in need of some "self care" help and would like to be considered please fill out the application below and I will be in touch shortly. From here we will work together to determine what fitness program will be best for you and work to do some goal setting for the upcoming challenge together.

Fill out my online form.
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