
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

2017 Beachbody Health Bet -

Would You Be Willing To Bet On Bettering Your Health? 

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Maybe you have started to get word that BEACHBODY IS GOING TO PAY PEOPLE TO GET HEALTHY DURING THE MONTH OF January. Yes you read that right. There is going to be a challenge coming up soon called the " Beachbody Health Bet." This is going to begin on January 2nd and wrap up on February 5th.

Here is how it will work -

You will need to be enrolled in a challenge group with a coach using the my challenge tracker app. Please click here if you would like to have me as your coach and sign up for your free account. Each week you will need to log at least three workouts and five days of shakeology consumptions in your app. Those who have met these qualifications during the entire challenge period will be entered in the pot to win some of the prize payout. 

Beachbody has already contributed 2 million dollars to the prize pot with the potential for it to increase to 3 million. How much will you win? Who knows until you play. Regardless if you win one dollar or a hundred dollars your going to win either way because you will have taken steps to improve your health. 

Please feel free to email me with more questions or fill out the application below so that you can join in on the fun.

Fill out my online form.
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