
Sunday, November 27, 2016

What's A Girl To Eat When She's Eating For Two?

Second Trimester Healthy Meal Plan 

healthy pregnancy, second trimester, second trimester meal plans, fit pregnancy, fit momma, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

I would be lying if I didn't say my nutrition habits in my first trimester were a bit of a wash. Did I eat healthy? Yes mostly, but did I also drink ginger ale, live off of crackers a few of those weeks and enjoy some not so healthy meals? Yep I did. I felt awful too because of it. For the last three years I have been fueling my body with very clean foods and for the last four months I have gotten lazy in my habits. During the time when my nutrition matters most I am mad at myself for not trying harder. 

I spent the first three and a half months extremely sick. This pregnancy has been nothing like my first. I am forever grateful though to even be pregnant so I am not complaining about being sick. It did however make eating eating healthy foods a little less appealing. Instead I found myself putting away sleeves of crackers and for some odd reason drinking juice like it was going out of style. (Not my style by the way. Juice is off limits at our house because of all the sugars.) 

Moral of the story is the second trimester has been treating me much nicer and I am finally feeling like ME again. I am craving foods that are better for me and for the baby and I couldn't be happier about that. 

I sat down and did some meal planning for myself and our family and this is what I came up with. 

healthy pregnancy, second trimester, second trimester meal plans, fit pregnancy, fit momma, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

You will notice my menu is color coded. That is because I am still following the portion control container method that I learned two and a half years ago. I am not measuring anything out and if you follow it strictly you would notice that for my weight I am over and under on a few things, but this is the best I can do right now. Normally I wouldn't pick things like luna bars and there should be a little more proteins and a little less BLUE containers but I call it a win. It's better than crackers and ginger ale. If I feel like eating more I will and if I don't feel like eating whats on the plan I will improvise but I think the effort is what's most important. 

As far as water goes, I mostly am drinking 60+ ounces a day. I try to drink half my weight in ounces. Instead of coffee I have been preferring peppermint tea but somedays I still have a cup of joe. 

Wish me luck as I venture back into intentional eating habits that will be better for me and baby Griffith. 

Are you pregnant as well? Looking for some support getting thru the rest of your pregnancy. Fill out the application below to be considered for my fit Momma challenge group beginning after the holidays. This will be for expecting and new moms only. 

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