
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Giving Back This Holiday Season

Happiness Is... Giving Others Hope

beachbody challenge pack, beachbody giveaway, holiday survival challenge, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

I say this ALL the time and I mean it. Beachbody has forever and I mean forever changed my life. I went into this as a challenger myself wanting to get rid of the last bit of baby weight. I wanted to gain back some confidence and not have a muffin top anymore. I had no aspirations of coaching, getting fit long term or even honestly sticking with this. I was only willing to drink Shakeology because I wanted in the challenge group. My plan was to drink it for a month and not spend the money on it again.

But them the magic happened. I LOVED the challenge group. I loved having a coach. I  loved the accountability and I loved the results I was getting. Much to my surprise I actually loved Shakeology too. Me; the girl who never ever drank a meal replacement shake in her life was now considering drinking it for more than a month.

At the end of the challenge I liked it so much that I wanted to run groups like that myself. I was shouting it from the rooftops how much I liked the program and how great I was feeling. I then went all in as a coach. From month one I wanted to help as many people as I could to get results and feel as great as I did and I have not looked back since.

March will be my three year anniversary as a coach and I can proudly say that this business has allowed me to help hundreds and hundreds of women. Some have achieved little victories and some huge weight loss goals. Some stay with me for along time and some get what they are looking for and maintain on their own. But all who join me leave a little different than when they started. They leave armed with a bit more confidence and a lot more knowledge on nutrition and exercise.

Being able to help these women has also helped me. It has taught me so much and has allowed me to grow in so many ways.

I went from being a full time teacher working her butt off to make ends meet, eating garbage foods, never exercising and never feeling like I mattered anymore to a full time Beachbody coach who's life looks entirely different. I have been able to "retire" from the craziness in education and now build my business from home. I am way less stressed. I have learned so much about nutrition and exercise. I am more present at home for the people who need me. I get to make an income by making an impact on peoples lives. It's funny where life will sometimes take you if you let it.

So here is what I am doing. I am paying it forward. Truly no strings attached. I am going to be giving away the 22 minute Hard Corps workout program along with a months supply of Shakeology to one lucky person. This person will have me as their coach and gain access to the November 28th Holiday Survival Challenge group. My team and I will be reviewing the applications and picking a winner on Tuesday November 22nd at 9 pm. The product will be shipped out to you on Friday November 25th.

beachbody challenge pack, beachbody giveaway, holiday survival challenge, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

The winner must agree to "go all in" with the program, follow the nutrition program, drink Shakeology and allow me to share their transformation story at the conculsion of them doing the program. Applicants may not be already working with a coach or be an exisiting client of mine. This giveaway is only open to residents of the USA.

If this is something you would be interetsed in please fill out the application listed below. Good luck! I am excited to pay this blessing forward to others!

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