
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

If I Can Do It - So Can You

Getting Healthy - Easier With Help

weight loss after baby, weight loss after miscarriage, weight loss support for new moms, how to lose the mom belly, beachbody coaching, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

Sometimes you just need someone to take you by the hand and say look if I can do it so can you.

Here's the thing. I am a smart woman. I graduated with honors from college. I landed a great job right away and I'd like to think that I do a hell of a job running my household. (Sounds too good to be true huh?) But you want to know something, even though I was a smart and successful woman I didn't have a clue where to start when it came to getting healthy.

I was alway thin thanks to good genetics but after having my son, I didn't feel so healthy after all anymore. I found myself living off of lattes at Starbucks and binging on junk food and sweets.
weight loss after baby, weight loss after miscarriage, weight loss support for new moms, how to lose the mom belly, beachbody coaching, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
I was the queen of SNACKING. I could eat a full bag of chips in one sitting and not even think twice. Portion control did not exist to me. 
To this day I still cannot order any kind of latte from Starbucks because I drank WAY too many of them. My typical morning stop after dropping my little guy off at daycare was a grande white chocolate mocha with some kind of pastry to go along with it. More sugar and carbs than I should have been consuming in an entire day. Sure it got me going for the day but boy did I ever crash come 10:00 am.

I felt awful and I didn't know how to feel better. I knew a lot of it was going to lie in cleaning up my eating habits and it also meant I was somehow going to have to exercise. Trust me I looked up every "clean eating" and "how to lose the mom belly" pin on Pinterest. I bought Insanity from an infomercial on TV. I tried to do it on my own but the thing was I actually didn't know how. I failed. Each week I said I was "starting fresh" and by Wednesday I had usually already thrown in the towel for the week.

As smart as I was I truly didn't know where or how to start. It wasn't until I bit the bullet and decided to stop watching my friend who was a coach and finally join her. I needed her more than I realized. I needed help sticking to the workouts, I needed someone to tell me what to throw away in our pantry, I needed her to teach me how to meal plan and prep and most importantly I needed someone who wouldn't let me quit.

I went all in. I bought the challenge pack (at a desperate hour of the day might I add). I told myself I was doing this. I drank Shakeology even though I was terrified of how it would taste, I showed up for those 30 days. I learned to meal plan and prep and I FINISHED the program I bought and damn it, did it ever feel good not to quit.

weight loss after baby, weight loss after miscarriage, weight loss support for new moms, how to lose the mom belly, beachbody coaching, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,
One of the things that I am most proud of is how my habits began to wear off on my family. Trust me our cart at the grocery store didn't always look like this. It's taken lots of learning to get to where I am today. 
It took me a few go arounds in the challenge group to truly get it down. I wish I could tell you that this healthy lifestyle was easy and happened overnight. The truth is it didn't but I can tell you that with the right support it's not as far out of reach as you think.

Starting on Monday October 24th I will be opening up spots in my challenge group for women who WANT to be healthier but need a little bit of help getting there. I am looking for people who were in the same boat as I was. I want to show you that it can be different and I want to show you how I did it.

Please fill out the application below if you would like to be considered as one of my challengers for October.

weight loss after baby, weight loss after miscarriage, weight loss support for new moms, how to lose the mom belly, beachbody coaching, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach,

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