
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Leadership Retreat - Destin FL

Why do Beachbody Coaches Get To Travel So Much?

As a coach one of the major perks of this lifestyle is the traveling. Since January my coaching adventures have taken me to Pittsburgh, a cruise to the Bahamas and Jamacia, Nashville, Deep Creek, MD and now as of last week Destin, FL. 

My friends and family often joke with me asking where I am off to next month and I understand why. I do travel a lot because of coaching and man is it ever a lot of fun. Prior to coaching we took one trip a year and occasionally had a weekend away. This new lifestyle has lead to so much more fun and opportunity to travel the world while meeting up with others who have similar goals as I do. While we often come together hardly knowing one another we often leave these events as great friends. 

This past week I got brave and traveled alone. I drove myself three hours to the airport alone, flew by myself including two layer overs and ubbered it to my location 40 minutes from the airport. As nerve wracking as it was to be traveling alone like that, I was proud that I got myself there and back without any troubles. 

Enjoyed this book while I spent lots of time in the airports
I landed on Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. We were in Destin for the Dream Team leadership retreat. It was hosted by my upline coach and some of the other top coaches from the team. We each had our own little mansion by the sea to stay in with our teams. Talk about a week of living it up. Here is a little bit of what all we did when we were there. 

Wednesday - Traveled all day and dinner when I got there. I made it just in time to see the sunset. 

Such a breathtaking view
Thursday - Beach day all day with the girls. We did a group workout in the morning and ran a few errands that evening but mostly we just relaxed all day together. It was my favorite part. 

Friday- We worked out as a group that morning, worked out business and then went out to be on the beach that day. Around lunch time I came in and showered. I had to head over to the other house to meet the hair and make up team along with the photographer to get ready for my business photo shoot. That night we all participated in the "pineapple olymipcs" on the beach. There were over 100 of us taking part in relay races. Man did we ever have fun. We were all covered in sand but really loved that event a lot. We also had a training with corporate over at our house. Our speaker had so many incredible take aways about living life with intention. 

Still drinking our Shakeology... even on vacation :) 

Glam team

Saturday This was one of our busy days. First we worked out then quickly got ready because we had a training from 9 - 12 that morning. After a lunch break we were back at it with more trainings from 1 - 4 pm followed by team pictures on the beach. That night we went home and got ready. We went out as a team for Mexican food and ate like queens.

Sunday - I made the mistake of thinking a 5:00 am flight was a good idea. I wanted to be home early enough to get to spend the day with my boys. I did not however take into consideration that I would have to leave at 3:00 am to be on time at the airport... yikes. Needless to say momma was tired after that. 

This picture pretty much sums up my trip to Destin. 

Lots and lots of it. Better than any ab workout around and good for your soul. 
This was the stuff that they don't tell you that comes along with building a business as a coach. The friendship and the fun! 

I hope you don't see all of these posts that I make about coaching and think to yourself. I could never do that. In fact I hope that you think just the opposite. I hope you look at me and say if she can do it why couldn't I. You see I am no different than you. There is nothing special about Sarah Griffith. She's just a mom who decided it was time for some changes in her life. She took a chance, believed in herself and was willing to outwork everyone else. After two years of helping others my life is now forever changed. Because of coaching, I am now moving on to write a new chapter in my book. One that I never though would have been possible before. 

You see, last year I took a job that changed the direction of my life. It was a job of great influence and lots of responsibility and what I thought was the next big step for my career. At 28 years old I was placed in the position as the Dean of Students at the school that I had taught at for the last seven years. All signs pointed to success. I had a beautiful family, a gorgeous home, a very comfortable income and a job I was proud of.

Except something happened during that year. I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and realized I hated who I was becoming. I was always worried, beyond stressed, under appreciated and exhausted. The job that seemed so great on the outside didn't feel so great on the inside anymore. I put on a great front like I enjoyed it. I showed up with a good attitude and I'd like to think that I did a great job. But the trouble was my heart wasn't in it anymore.

I can't say making the decision to leave was an easy one. Major life changes never are, but I can tell you after lots and lots of prayer and soul searching I'm right where I'm supposed to be right now. Will my new career be forever or just a season in my life? Who knows? I thought I would spend the rest of my life in education and that seemed to change so maybe someday that will happen again. But for now I have the utmost faith that today I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

It takes great courage to decide to change the direction of your ship but learning to sail in new waters can be an absolutely breathtaking scene.

Life is beautiful. I believe opportunities are put in your life for a reason. If you don't like where your ship is sailing anymore. Put your anchor down. Pray about it look around and then decide to explore a different direction. ⚓️ My ship is sailing towards less stress, more freedom, more family time and more happiness.

My heart will always thrive on serving others, but my vessel to do it looks a lot different now. I'm learning to love the person in the mirror again. She's fought really hard to become her and she's proud that she followed her heart.


If your still reading this and your STILL thinking to yourself my goodness coaching seems fun. I ask you to stop. Simply stop. Stop doubting yourself, stop watching and start doing. I have very few regrets about becoming a coach but my number one regret is that I watched my coach for as long as I did before starting. I want to have you in my tribe. I want you to experience the fun and the lifestyle and the happiness that comes along with coaching. I want you to be brave enough to try. 

Please fill out the application below if you would like more information about becoming a coach on Team Fit & Fabulous. I will be kicking off my new coach mentoring program and would love to work with you. 

Income Disclaimer and Income Earnings Statement: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found by CLICKING HERE!
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