
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Country Heat Week One Recap -

Week One Country Heat

country heat, country heat results, country heat meal plan, country heat womens transformation, country heat recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach

After getting my hands on Country Heat at our Coach Summit event in Nashville I didn't want to waste any time getting started with the program. I have been carrying around an additional 10 lbs since our recent miscarriage and I wanted rid of it. I knew that this was going to be the program that did it for me. My clients in the test group with me started their workouts this week but I thought it would be a good idea to be a week ahead of them so I knew what they should expect. Each week you will find a recap on here from me with details about each week is going. Since we got home late Sunday I was not able to get to the grocery store until Tuesday so my meal plan ran Tuesday - Saturday. Saturday and Sunday we were away for the weekend so my meal plan was a little non existant on Sunday. I had one cheat snack and had some vanilla ice cream while we were away. All in all I was pretty impressed with how on track I was. I managed to stay away from most all foods with gluten in them. (I have Hashimotos diesase and it's highly reccommened that I avoid it.) In addition to following the meal plan I am including Shakeology daily into my diet. I always use it so that won't be a change for me. I love how it makes me feel. To be honest I have hardly missed a day in over two and a half years. 
country heat, country heat results, country heat meal plan, country heat womens transformation, country heat recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach
I was craving ice cream late at night earlier this week and decided my goals were too important so I whipped up some chocolate coconut banana Shakeology Ice Cream instead of the real deal.

In addition to following the meal plan I am including Shakeology daily into my diet. I always use it so that won't be a change for me. I love how it makes me feel. To be honest I have hardly missed a day in over two and a half years. 
country heat, country heat results, country heat meal plan, country heat womens transformation, country heat recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach
The struggle is so real when your getting back on track. Trying to "detox" from gluten and totally wanted to eat this entire box of snacks my son was having. 
country heat, country heat results, country heat meal plan, country heat womens transformation, country heat recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach
One of my many yummy meals I made for myself from the meal plan. 
country heat, country heat results, country heat meal plan, country heat womens transformation, country heat recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach
I did a youtube video for my clients on how to plan and prep your meals for Country Heat. 
You can access the meal planning tips by clicking below to launch the video. This was something that I put together for my clients doing Country Heat along with me. 

The good news is that my hard work paid off. Since starting on Tuesday I am officially down 4 lbs and feeling a lot less bloated. My nutrition was absolutely the missing piece. I had been working out and drinking my Shakeo each day before but I was eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and it was catching up with. Stay tuned for more updates and week and more meal plans from Country Heat. If you would like to be included in my next Country Heat accountability group, please fill out the application below. 
country heat, country heat results, country heat meal plan, country heat womens transformation, country heat recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach
Not bad for week one! Down 4 lbs. 

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