
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tropical Smoothie Bowl

Tropical Smoothie Bowls 

smoothie bowl, gluten free, gluten free smoothie bowl, sarah griffith, healthy snacks, gluten free snacks, tropical smoothie bowl,

Social media has allowed me to make friends ALL over the place. I enjoy connecting with these people and even learning from them. The other day I was online and I came across one of my friends smoothie bowl pictures. It stopped me dead in my scroll. I was like I HAVE TO TRY THIS!!! It looked so yummy! These smoothie bowls are showing up everyone on social media and I had yet to try one. I asked if she wanted to be featured on my blog and she said absolutely! She did a little write up for you all and shared her recipe. I have included it below. ENJOY!!! Thanks Kari!


With spring in the air everyone is looking for some of there favorite cooler sweet
I’ve been a smoothie or shake person for about a year now and find myself having
them for more meals than most people would probably like to admit.

What most people don’t realize is exactly how much food I’m putting into my
smoothies, I’m often criticized for “drinking” my meals. When in reality, I put whole
foods in my blender, the only difference between my meal and theirs is I don’t have
to sit down to physically cut and chew it.

I stopped at home for lunch (initially planning a smoothie) when my stepmom made
a pit stop. Knowing I only have an hour and didn’t have anything unthawed, I
opened my fridge to see what our options for a quick meal were. I laughed as I said,
“Well I was going to have a smoothie, how do you feel about smoothie bowls?”
She gave me that, “I’m humored and not sure about you sometimes,” look that moms
everywhere have mastered but willingly agreed that it sounded “lovely.”

I was introduced to smoothie bowls a few months ago, I saw the meals highlighted
on both Pinterest and Instagram. I’ve tried several recipes I love but find that most
of my favorites happen on accident. Today was one of those accidents. You’ll have to
try it for yourself to believe me.

Smoothie Recipe:
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Serves 2 small bowls or one large bowl

½ Banana
1 Kiwi
½ Avocado
¾ c. Pineapple
½ Granny Smith Apple
½ c. Plain Greek Yogurt
½ c. Unsweetened Almond Milk (adjust as needed depending on consistency
1 tsp. Blue Agave Nectar (You could use honey if you don’t have this)
1 tsp. Maca Powder (optional) if you don’t know the health benefits Maca provides,
read this: health-benefits- of-maca/

Throw all of these ingredients into a blender, cover and hit the power button! (This
is truly the best part about giving smoothie recipes, no need to have step by step
Dump your smoothie into a bowl and top with whatever your feeling or you have on
hand. We used, the rest of our banana and kiwi but added some fresh raspberries,
walnuts and shredded coconut!
Comment below to give Sarah you’re feedback on it if you decide to give it a whirl,
and remember, a recipe is simply a reference—add or remove what you wish to
make it your own. 

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