
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Curious About Beachbody Coaching?


Beachbody coaching, what is beachbody coaching, how to be a successful beachbody coach, beachbody coach success story, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, team fit and fabulous

If you follow me on social media, I know you see all of my posts about my coaching business and how this “blessing” has changed our world and you hear me gushing about it ALL. THE. TIME. You want to know why you hear me talking about it ALL.THE.TIME. because I absolutely love it. I love who I have become because of it, I love what it has done for my family, I love the friendships I’ve made and I love what our company stands for. It’s no wonder I talk about it all the time. How could I not.

Because of this opportunity I lost all my baby weight, I have been able to travel the world, it has gotten me one step closer to financial freedom and allowed me to “retire” from teaching at 29. What does that mean for me? More freedom. Freedom of time, freedom of finances, freedom to do whatever I want with my life and that my friend feels pretty damn good.

This coming fall instead of going back to work like all my other teacher friends, I will be working from home in my yoga pants. My son will be staying home with me part time instead of being in daycare (something I have NEVER been able to do) and life will be a lot less stressful. You see I got sick of the rushing and running and always feeling like I was fighting an uphill battle as a working mom. I was exhausted and quite honestly I was over it. I wanted to provide for my family but I wanted to do it in a different way. One that was less stressful and allowed for more time with my loved ones.

Coaching has allowed me to do just that. I have been able to build a business after bedtime while juggling the full time job. It took me a few years but I finally matched what I was making at my day job all by helping others get healthy and build their own business. This job isn’t about being a salesperson. It’s about caring about people, getting to know them and holding them accountable. I get to teach people how to feel confident in themselves again and be better than they were before. That’s a powerful thing to be able to pay forward to others.

If you have been following my journey and are curious  about the coaching opportunity, I invite you to join me for a live event on Wednesday May 25, 2016 from 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Eastern Standard time.  We will share conversations about coaching. There is no commitment if you join us. It’s just informational. I will answer some of the most commonly asked questions I get asked. It will give you a taste of why I love this so much. You never will know if it’s for you if you don’t try. You can access the event by clicking here.

In the event that you do decide to join me as the next new ROCK STAR on the team, I will be kicking off your business training on Monday June 6th so this is your time to decide if it’s right for you.
Who knows maybe you can turn your little social media addiction into a business for yourself and get a little healthier and happier along the way!

Please fill out the application below so I can learn more about you!

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