
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Change Your Habits - Change Your World Challenge

You know the funny thing about being a health and fitness coach is that the summer is sometimes less busy than you would think. I am always very busy during the winter months while everyone is “gearing” up for bathing suit season, but by mid summer I often see things drop off in regards to motivation from many. I think people feel like it’s a bad time of year because they are vacationing and relaxing and want to put it off until fall. I have found though, it can be done and done well with some effort. The best part is, it can be pretty fun and rewarding too!

Starting a new fitness program during the summer does not mean you have to live off of salads, skip the summer cocktails and workout all day long. It’s more about learning to adapt to a new lifestyle that you follow forever. Not just a few weeks or until the pound's fall off. It’s a permanent change. It’s about learning how to navigate thru life with the 80/20 mindset. It’s a way of living that more and more people are adapting to and it’s easier than you might think.

What is the 80/ 20 mindset in regards to nutrition and fitness? It’s more of a focus on mindfulness. 80% of the time you are spot on in regards to your nutrition. You are eating “clean.” Your diet is loaded with fresh fruits, veggies, proteins carbohydrates and healthy fats in moderation. You practice portion control and and strive to eat foods in their most natural state. If it is processed, the less ingredients the better. I strive for 5 or less. It helps me to be assured there are few chemicals and preservatives in it.

That 20% is your treats and slip ups. It’s about not being perfect all the time but being mindful. I never want my clients to feel “deprived” when it comes to foods. If they want to have a slice of cake or a cocktail every once in awhile fine. I encourage them to do that, but I have them practice moderation. I don’t want them having 10 cocktails or the entire cake. The same goes for the exercise. I don’t want them thinking it has to be 7 days a week for hours upon hours a day. It means that 80% of the time you are going to exercise but if you miss a day. That’s totally okay.

This lifestyle is about refusing to quit. So many people fall off the wagon and then think they need to start over but really when it’s a lifestyle there is no starting over. Each day is a fresh start and a chance to get back on track.

This is the mindset I try to instill in my challengers. I try to teach them a forever approach rather than a quick fix.

On June 13th I will kick off my 30 day "change your habits - change your world" challenge group. This group will consist of daily support and motivation from me. In the group you will be surrounded by others who are working towards the similar lifestyle change goals that you are. I will provide recipes, fitness and nutrition tips and most importantly I will hold your feet to the fire and help to prevent you from quitting.You will pick your fitness program, Shakeology flavor and agree to eat clean for the duration of the challenge. Hopefully the skills you learn from this group will stick with you for the long haul. I've found that it’s easy to buy a fitness program with good intentions but it’s hard to stick with it without support. Let me be the one who gets you to where you want to be in your life in regards to your health.

Don’t let summer be your excuse. Starting something new never really has a “right” time. You just need to decide that it’s THE TIME for you. Allow me be the one who helps you have your best transformation yet. You have what it takes.

Fill out the application below. I will be in touch shortly to help get you enrolled in the group.

Fill out my online form.
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