
Monday, April 18, 2016

Avocado Eggs

Hearty Protein and Healthy Fats Combined

healthy fats, healthy breakfast, avocado, avocado recipes, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, protein, protein breakfast,

Lately I have been trying my best to include avocados into my food options as often as I can. I love the taste and I love the health benefits that come from including avocados into your daily diet. Just one avocado contains around 10 grams of fiber, it can help lower bad cholesterol levels and are said to be an anti- aging powerhouse. Just a few reasons to give them a try.

I had seen a lot of people using them to cook eggs in on Pinterest and wanted to give it a try myself. It was so simple. I cooked them in the oven for about 20 minutes on 375 degrees.

I took the center out of the avocados and some of the avocado meat then cracked my egg into it. I topped it with a tiny sprinkle of cheddar cheese, salt and pepper.

I loved it! I also had a slice of bread (gluten free for me) and spread it all over the bread almost like a topping. It was a fabulous combo!

Enjoy! Your going to be glad you included this in your breakfast meal plans!

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