
Thursday, April 28, 2016

21 Day Fix Graduate

21 Day Fix Challenger Success Story

21 day fix challenge, 21 day fix graduate, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix womens results, sarah griffith,

Today I wanted to give a great big shout out to one of my amazing challengers Adelle. She and I both went to college together and studied Business Education at IUP. After many years of not staying in touch she reached out to me this winter on social media and said she was interested in what I do as a coach. She mentioned that she has some baby weight that she was looking to get rid of and overall just wanted to be healthier. She was someone who was committed right away. Like no messing around. Sometimes I chat back and forth with people for months before they decide they are ready to commit. That was not the case with her. The same day she sent me a friend request was the day she mentioned she wanted to join my challenge group. That told me she was ready to go ALL IN. She was at while I like to call "rock bottom". Rock bottom is the best place to be when it comes to starting your weight loss journey. You are ready to go all in no matter what at this point. It's a beautiful place to be when it comes to your motivation and determination to do well with the program you pick.

She chose the 21 day fix as her program and chocolate for her flavor of Shakeology. When she joined, she was about to be taken on a journey of clean eating, daily exercise and learning a new approach to portion control. She knocked it out of the park. She is since down 11 pounds. She is feeling healthier and best of all has more energy to play with her kids. She's moving on to the CIZE workout program now. Getting her sweat on while she dances her heart out. Talk about a fun way to exercise.

Her commitment to the challenge group has been awesome. She's stuck with it and has refused to throw in the towel. Even if she gets off track for a few days, I know she will be right back at it. That my friends is how you lose weight for good and keep it off. You stay accountable and you stay committed to the goals that you set in the beginning.

Adelle thank you for allowing me to be the person to help guide you thru your fitness journey. Your doing an amazing job and have become such a healthy role model for your beautiful children. Way to lead by example for them. Mommy deserves to be healthy and feel great! Keep at it my dear!!
Adelle with one of her beautiful daughters! 
If you are interested in starting your own health and fitness journey like Adelle has please fill out the application below and I will be in touch shortly.

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