
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

State College Super Saturday - Team Beachbody Corporate Event

Coming Soon To Happy Valley!

Sarah Griffith, top beachbody coach, Kam Niskach, State College Super Saturday, State College Beachbody Coach, top beachbody coach state college, central pa super saturday event,

When I first became a Beachbody coach I remember how important my coach kept telling me it was to get to the Super Saturday events. She kept insisting that I would love it and that it would help to move my business forward. But here's the thing. I put it off for a little bit. I started coaching in March of 2014. The events are held four times a year typically April, August, October, and January. In April I still felt brand new so I didn't go. In August I bought a ticket and chickened out and finally in October that year I bought my first ticket and have not missed an event since. Quite honestly I think I was nervous to go for some reason. I was worried I wouldn't know anything or was "too new" to be at something like that. Here's the thing, there is no such thing as being "too new" to the business to be at these events. The sooner you can get yourself there the sooner you learn how to move your business forward at a faster pace. It is a wonderful event and I was lucky enough to be going to the Pittsburgh Super Saturday events. Why was Pittsburgh so special? Because that's where my upline was, its where my friends were and its where two of the top ten coaches in the entire network live and host the trainings.

After attending a few of the Pittsburgh ones I started to think to myself, man how cool would it be to bring an event like this to Happy Valley. I decided to put it on my goal board for this year. As my team of local coaches began to grow I knew we could pull something like this off. We have been working to plan it for a few months now and cannot wait to pull this off.

Sarah Griffith, top beachbody coach, Kam Niskach, State College Super Saturday, State College Beachbody Coach, top beachbody coach state college, central pa super saturday event,
A few of the many coaches on the State College Market Council helping to pull this event together! 
Here is a little run down of what the event will look like. It will take place on Saturday April 2, 2016 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm. You can purchase a ticket by clicking here.  Be sure to bring along a notebook and pen to take notes during the training. You will also want to bring some water and healthy snacks to keep you full during the day. We highly recommend you bring your spouse along to learn more about the business or any friends or family you have who might be considering the coaching opportunity.

Upon your arrival you will present your ticket, get a name tag and then head on over to our Shakeology bar to try some samples before finding your seats.

We will kick the day off with a welcome and then do some coach recognitions and introductions of the State College Market Council.

We will hear a challenger and coach success story then transition into the corporate training piece.
There will be a short video with details about all the upcoming things for the spring/ summer product launches.

After that we will then do a 30 - 40 minute training to help you grow your business. Our topics are on the following:

* Mastering the 3 vital behaviors
* Finding your passion as a coach
* Transitioning from a discount coach to a working coach
* Building the business while managing a full time job

There will be a short break while we clear the room to get ready for our live workout. I am over the moon excited that we will be bringing Kam Niskach to State College. She is currently ranked the number 4 Beachbody Live Master Trainer in the entire company. She delivers the most amazing workouts! You will see so much energy, she just lights up the room! You don't want to miss this workout!
Sarah Griffith, top beachbody coach, Kam Niskach, State College Super Saturday, State College Beachbody Coach, top beachbody coach state college, central pa super saturday event,
Master Trainer Kam - You can catch some of her workouts on Beachbody On Demand.
After the workout, the event will end and you can head home. We are certain you will be leaving excited about your business, a tiny bit exhausted from the workout and probably with a few new friends you didn't have before the event.

We cannot wait to meet you all! Hope you can make it!! All are welcome! Wear your BLUE AND WHITE!!!!