
Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Surviving Year One With A Network Marketing Company 

beachbody coaching, beachbody coaching anniversary, top beachbody coach, sarah griffith,

Over the last two years I have worked to build a team of coaches who I think would be very successful at the business and who would fit in with our "tribe" that we are creating. When I see someone who I think would make a great coach on our team, I often am persistent with them about considering. Sometimes they tell me no. I do not let that stop me and  I continue to invite them. When I see potential I refuse to pass it up. I saw that in Kristi as soon as we began to interact. She worked at the local YMCA and had a degree in Kinesiology. She had dream coach written all over her. She wanted to be a challenger with me, but more than anything I wanted her to be a coach.

A comparison chart she made her then vs. her now. Lots of changes in a year!!! 

To be honest - I almost lost her to someone else but she is one I "fought for" Not something I usually do, but I knew this women needed to be on Team Fit & Fabulous. After lots of conversations and a few objections I landed a dream coach. It is hard to believe that was a year ago. Time sure does fly when your having fun and building an awesome team.

Some of the things that I am most proud of about what Kristi has accomplished this year is that she became confident enough to chase her big dreams she set for herself. She wanted so badly to be a Beachbody Live instructor and down the road would like to be a master trainer for the company. She put in the work and did the trainings and now teaches PIYO and CIZE live. She also had the opportunity to be picked to dance on stage at our last Super Saturday corporate training event in Pittsburgh. She was up there with one of Beachbody's top master trainers and sure made our team proud. You can catch her at the State College YMCA teaching if you ever want to meet her! She hosts a killer class.

beachbody coaching, beachbody coaching anniversary, top beachbody coach, sarah griffith,
Rocking it up on stage at the event! 

beachbody coaching, beachbody coaching anniversary, top beachbody coach, sarah griffith,
The dancing crew with Master Trainer - Kam!

beachbody coaching, beachbody coaching anniversary, top beachbody coach, sarah griffith,

In addition, she has traveled with me to many corporate events this year and also spent a lot of time with the team for our various events and outings. What I can tell you about her is that she has found her passion and knows how to have fun. She lights up the room when she is in it. We love her free spirit. I was lucky enough to travel with her to Nashville this summer for our Coach summit event too. When I look at a coach who is "showing up" like she is, meaning that she's involved in trainings and actively working her business, I know she is not going anywhere. She has officially done what many never can say they have done when working for a network marketing company. She made it thru year one. It is the hardest year and it's when most throw in the towel and quit. She never did.

beachbody coaching, beachbody coaching anniversary, top beachbody coach, sarah griffith,
Being a part of the top team in the network sure does have it's perks! Dressed up at the Dream Team Live Party! Spending time with Melanie Mitro - The top coach in the network! 
Girlfriend congratulations on year one of pursuing big dreams. Anxious and excited for you and what this opportunity is going to bring for you! Keep working hard and inspiring others! Team Fit & Fabulous loves you to pieces!!!

beachbody coaching, beachbody coaching anniversary, top beachbody coach, sarah griffith,
A few of the beauties from Team Fit & Fab at our last corporate training event. 

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The BEST decision I ever made was to Join Team Fit & Fabulous! I love you ladies and I am so happy I found my motivation through GIRL POWER! Thank you Sarah!

