
Thursday, January 7, 2016

When You Start To Realize You Must Be Doing Something Right

January Super Saturday Weekend 

Photo Op from last year's big Super Saturday event. 
A year ago I set out to travel to Pittsburgh to attend my first "big" Beachbody event. I went alone. No team of coaches with me, just my supportive husband. The CEO attended flew in from California. Autumn Calabrese the creator of the 21 day fix was there to lead a live workout. Melanie Mitro was named top coach for 2015 and there were over 1,000 people there who had the passion for this company just like I did. I spent the weekend attending trainings, working out and networking with some of the finest coaches in the network. Being a part of the number one team in the company sure has it's perks that for sure. It was one of my favorite weekends of the year but I longed for the day when I would have a team join me at the event. You see in this business it often starts with one before you grow your own team to lead. Friday night my team of coaches will be heading to Pittsburgh to join me for a weekend of excitement. Our team has gotten much much bigger in one years time and while NOT nearly everyone is able to come, I am proud to say that over 20 people will be joining me in the burgh. That's why I am looking forward to this event more than anything. I absolutely love spending time with this group of people.

A few goodies for my coaches! Looking forward to spoiling them this weekend!
So I am sure you are wondering what the heck will we be doing all weekend? Having too much fun and learning how to move our business forward in 2016 is the simple answer.
Friday night we will have a corporate training with the CEO, recognize many accomplishments from the team for 2015 and then finish with a late night workout with one of Beachbody's master trainers and also Autumn Calabrese creator of the 21 day fix. What a way to spend a Friday night!

Saturday morning will be filled with lots of trainings from some of our top coaches on the team. I have some exciting news that I have to share. I was actually asked to BE ONE OF THE TRAINERS!!! I will be taking the stage to share some of my business tips I have learned along the way. I really am looking forward to being up on stage teaching everyone. It turns out my training as a business teacher paired with my masters training in leadership makes for one heck of a Beachbody business owner. My passion for teaching business to others is still at the heart of what I love to do. While my stage might look different, it still feels like a classroom to me. 
Just to be included in such a line up is a huge deal to me! Out of 400,000+ coaches in the entire network two of these ladies are in the top 10! So many amazing business women speaking! 
Saturday afternoon will be spent with some of my coaches on the team! We have celebration lunches and dinners planned along with a big fancy cocktail party Saturday night with karaoke and dancing. I am so looking forward to getting dressed up and having fun with "my tribe." There is nothing more fun than spending time with others who "get it" and have the same passion as you do! 

Stay tuned for lots of pictures and a recap! Should be a blast! 

Thinking of joining my tribe? I would love to mentor you but only if your willing to be bold and put your heart into this business.  Boldness is a choice we are all presented with, a state of mind, a way of being. If you don’t try, you won’t succeed. If you don’t shoot, you’ll never score. This life is too short for you to waste it wondering, “What if?” We all have it in us, even you, my dear, whether you know it or not. So why not try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Fill out the application below and I will be in touch about getting you started. 

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