
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Super Saturday Weekend Recap

Good Times With Good Friends - Super Saturday Weekend 

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Well I am about a week late to the party with my recap from last weekend's big event, but I couldn't not share with my followers some of the excitement from the weekend. As you might already know we traveled to Pittsburgh last weekend for Beachbody's quarterly corporate training event. This one was bigger than most because we had the CEO of the company as well as Autumn Calabrese celebrity trainer and creator of the 21 day fix in Pittsburgh with us to recognize Melanie Mitro as the top coach of 2016. Being a part of the number one team in the network absolutely has it's perks.

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Friday Night "Black Out" Event 
We stayed at the Omni William Penn Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh. It is simply stunning and one of my favorite hotels in Pittsburgh. We were treated like kings and queens for the weekend. One of my favorite parts of the weekend was that I was not there alone. I had almost 20 people there with me from my own personally sponsored team. They say it starts with one in this business. Last year this guy was the only one sitting in the audience with me. He believed in what I could do and the mission I had for our family. He believed in my dreams on the days that I didn't. He supported me and told me to keep going and little by little my efforts grew and I wasn't the only one on this crazy train.
One year later we were among MANY of my team members and their spouses and let me just say it feels good to watch your dreams grow and it feels good to be able to say because of one choice I made two short years ago our world is forever changed but so are all of my coaches worlds as well.
So thankful this guy encourages me to dream big! It's worth all the hard work! 

Friday night was packed full of fun. We sampled the newest Shakeology flavor Cafe Latte. Learned about all of the new programs and products coming out this spring and did a kick butt live workout. Nothing like sweating with 1,000 other coaches on a Friday night in a packed house. What my favorite part was that so many of my coaches were there with their spouses. It was awesome to see them supporting their wives and the big dreams they are chasing. 
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Cheers to the newest Shakeology flavor!
That night after we changed out of our workout clothes,  Kevin and I treated ourselves to a fancy LATE NIGHT dinner at the hotel. Nothing like filet mignon at midnight. It was so fun to be there with him celebrating the year I have had as a coach. I truly could not do this without him so this was our weekend to celebrate all of the big business milestones I accomplished this year. He is my rock and my biggest fan. I wish everyone has someone like him. 

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Team Fit & Fabulous - The ones always having the most fun in the crowd. 
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Post workout picture with my team! 
Saturday morning I was up bright and early and was kind of nervous. I was asked to speak at the training event that Melanie Mitro was hosting for the Dream Team coaches. I was honored and excited to speak and share some of the lessons I had learned as a coach this year. I actually chose to talk about where I fell short this year as a coach. It took some guts to get up and own my failure, but after doing it I was so glad I did. I have gotten so many compliments, emails, messages and thank you's from others who needed to hear my story. Below is my presentation. Take a listen if you have a chance! 

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Getting ready to speak at the training. My upline coach and my success partner! Two of my favorites in this business!

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Up on stage after we all spoke. Proud to be called one of the team leaders on the Dream Team. 
After the training I joined the diamond coaches on my uplines team while she treated us to lunch and spoiled us with new Kate Spade clutches. She's way to sweet and totally knows how to make her team feel loved. 

The reason why I am a coach - the women who showed me the ropes.... 
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Taking my diamonds out to dinner
That evening we still had some fun ahead of us, it was my turn to do the treating. I took my diamond coaches to Hyde Park. A fabulous steak house in Pittsburgh. It was time to treat them like queens and reward them for all of the hard work they put in this year. Oh and of course there were presents because I am totally a giver. All of my diamond coaches got new Kate Spade watches. I thought that they were symbolic of the ladies on my team. Because even though we all get the same 24 hours in a day, these women seems to accomplish enormous amounts of work during those 24 hours. Sometimes I wonder how they do it all and quite honestly sometimes I don't know how I do it all myself, but we still seem to make this business work and we do it successfully.

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If you look at the make up of my team you will find its filled with busy women who are often balancing other full time jobs, families and the demands of running a household. They are often the people who you would think wouldn't want anymore on their plate. They are often women who weren't looking for this opportunity, it just seems to have found them. I'm feeling completely blessed to have these busy girl bosses beside me. After two years of coaching, I have found that if you want to find someone to make things happen, find a busy person because they are the ones who get things done and often make the best coaches.

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After our dinner out we joined the rest of our team and lots of other coaches from the Dream Team to celebrate ending the year as the number one team in the network. Melanie rented out the Lexus Club at Consol Energy Center and we partied it up in style. My favorite part of the evening was dancing and singing the night away with my team. I might be biased but these girls were totally the life of the party. Just like the saying goes "find your tribe and love em hard." That's totally what I did all weekend. 

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Dream Team Party - Celebrating Mel and the team she has built! So thankful to have her as a mentor! 
The friendships that I have made along the way as a coach is hands down one of my favorite parts of this business. These women have become some of my very best friends who rather than compete with me, help inspire me and run with me to the top. 

If your looking to join a team that is filled with women who will support you, encourage you and teach you the ropes you need to consider joining me. Let me be your mentor and teach you how to build a business that has been as successful as mine. After all wouldn't it makes sense to ask a business teacher to teach you how to start your business. Kind of a no brainer if you ask me. ;) If you would like more information, I have a live Q&A event that I am hosting this Thursday night from 8 - 10 pm EST. You can access the event by clicking here. I will answer all of the commonly asked questions about coaching. After the event, we can talk more and I can help you decide if this could work for you too. 

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, it seems like you had a superb weekend. I am so impressed to see your party pictures. This post is reminding me of my prom night that held at event venues Chicago in last week. We also had awesome time there.
