
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Clean Chicken Fried Rice

No Need For Take Out Anymore - Make This One At Home 

chicken fried rice, 30 minute meals, healthy chicken fried rice, chicken fried rice, 21 day fix approved, clean cooking, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,

We love chicken friend rice but what I don't love is all of the awful chemicals that tend to be used when you buy it from a take out place. This weekend when we were snowed in, I decided to try making it myself instead. Not to brag but I kind of knocked this one out of the park. It was a huge hit!! My only complaint was that the left overs the next day were a tiny bit dry so plan to eat this one all up on the day you make it! 

1 bag of frozen mixed veggies (I went with organic but you could use either)
Brown Rice
3 organic brown eggs (again any egg would work)
1 onion diced
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut up
Olive oil for sautéing the chicken
3 cloves of garlic
Braggs liquid aminos( You can find this in the organic/ health food section of most grocery stores)
Pink Himalayan salt
Black Pepper
Organic raw honey
3 small pads of unsalted organic butter

Cut up chicken into bite size pieces. Use about a tablespoon of olive oil to sauté the chicken.
After the chicken is cooked season with the garlic cloves, pink Himalayan salt, pepper and a drizzle of honey
Add in the chopped up onions and allow them to cook until clear
While onions are sautéing cook the mixed veggies according to package
Also cook rice according to package. I used enough rice for 4 servings.
Once you add in the mixed veggies drizzle the Braggs Liquid aminos over the mixture. I didn't really measure exact amount just made sure I was covering everything. I would assume I used 3 - 4 tablespoons
Then move your mixture to one side of the pan. Crack your three eggs into the pan and quickly move them around until they look like scrambled eggs. Combine that with your chicken and veggie mixture.
Lastly add in the cooked rice. Mix well. I then added in a bit more salt, pepper and braggs. Followed by three small pads of organic butter. I let it sit for 5 minutes then served it!


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