
Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Holidays

Thanks For Being Part Of The Journey 

As the craziness of December begins to wind down and we approach one of the most magical weeks of the year, I wanted to pause for a moment and wish all of my followers a very Happy Holiday. I hope you are taking time this year to unwind and enjoy the moments that you have ahead of you. Take time to be present with those you love. Being present means being there whole heartedly. Not being there scrolling your cell phone admiring how others are spending the holiday. Put your phone in your pocket and just be. Before you blink the tree will be down, the holiday foods will be gone and the loved ones who have traveled to see you will be home again. Time passes by too quickly and life seems to move way too fast. Try your hardest to just take it all in.

Our family could not be more excited for our Christmas festivities this year. We have went above and beyond this year to create lots of anticipation leading up to Christmas for our son. The month has been just as magical for us as it has been for him. This will be the first year we are home in our house for Christmas morning. In years past we always traveled but as our son get's older, it's time to let him enjoy Christmas in his own home. We are looking forward to our new tradition we are starting. I can only imagine what time our little love will have us up this year for presents on Christmas morning. He is counting down the minutes.

I wanted to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for following and supporting me on this journey I have been on as a coach. It touches me to see so many who invite me into their lives as they join my team as coaches or when they reach out and ask for my help on their own weight loss transformation. I realize my way of life sometimes seems like an unconventional way to make a living, but truly this opportunity has changed our families world. It is not always easy being so public with our life, but I know it is worth it because someone out there needs me.  I was called to do this for a reason, I am sure of it. Because of Beachbody life will never look the same. This blessing has allowed me to find my passion while creating a life of financial freedom for my family. I truly have found a blessing and love paying it forward to others. In my heart of hearts I believe I have a gift that was put in my life for a reason. I love when others reach out their hands and ask for me to share my blessing with them. There is no better reward than being able to help a new coach begin to duplicate the success I have had in my own business or when I can help someone accomplish a weight loss goal they may have waited their entire life to accomplish.

2016 is going to be a big year for our family. God willing there are lots of surprises and changes to come! Stay tuned!

Happy Holidays to all of you! Looking forward to working with so many of you in the coming months as you set out to accomplish your own New Year's Resolutions. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to be a part on of New Year - New You accountability group.

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