
Monday, August 3, 2015

Transformation Tuesday- Skinny Girl Style

We All Just Wanted To Feel "Better"

This week's transformation Tuesday won't WOW you with a crazy amount of weight loss like most will that I typically post. In fact many would look at the three of our transformations and think these women didn't have any weight to lose in the first place. Why would they need a coach, let alone a Beachbody program. Well I am here to tell you your wrong. There is no magic number of weight you need to lose in order to find success and support in a challenge group to help yourself. The three of us have one thing in common. We shared the desire to want to feel better and look better. I shared conversations with these two ladies about how I "got it" because I felt the same way too at one point. We shared a small amount of guilt for feeling like we wanted to lose weight. On the outside we already looked fit or as many would consider us thin but we were not really all that healthy and even though genetics may have blessed us with a smaller frame, we were not feeling so hot because we were not taking care of ourselves like we should have. We were lacking sleep, eating junk and not making ourselves a priority as much as we should have. We all had our own separate "reasons why" that drove us and helped us get on track to where we are today. The women pictured below have all found the success they were looking for because they decided to give a challenge group a try. We are healthier, happier and feel a lot better. You can feel the same way too. Don't ever feel guilty for wanting to feel better now matter what size you are. 

transformation story, transformation tuesday, beachbody success story, weight loss, baby weight, post partum transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach,

Kellin jumped into her journey just a few months after giving birth to her second little love. This was a time when most new moms are too busy adapting to the new challenges that a little one brings, especially a second baby. Instead of making excuses she used her maternity leave to get back on track so she could give better care to her family and herself. She has done 21 day fix, fix extreme and insanity max 30 with me. This picture is actually from early this summer, she's even more fit now (crazy right???).  She works full time but still has managed to make her health a priority while balancing a career and family and now supports others as a coach herself on my team. 

transformation story, transformation tuesday, beachbody success story, weight loss, baby weight, post partum transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach,

BreAnn joined me just this past June first as a challenger and now as a coach on my team. She was in my Stripped Challenge trying to drop the last 10 lbs. She was one of my best challengers, very active and very determined to kick her sweet tooth that she had. She had been struggling to lean out and drop the last bit of weight she wanted to get rid of. Exercise was her thing, she was a hard core runner but the nutrition was where she was struggling and the reason why she was stuck at a plateau. This picture is after her first round of the 21 day fix extreme. She lost 4.8 lbs and 6.4 inches total. She finally feels like she kicked her habit she so desperately wanted to get rid of. I love the definition she got in her arms from that first round!!! 

transformation story, transformation tuesday, beachbody success story, weight loss, baby weight, post partum transformation, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach, elite beachbody coach,

This is me and my belly - 9 months in and 3 years out.  The belly that carried a beautiful healthy baby boy who weighted 7 lbs 2 oz.  I ate M&M blizzards almost weekly with him and craved junk food like it was my job. I gained 57 lbs with him and really could have cared less in the moment. In my mind I just thought that was supposed to happen. When I got pregnant I weighed 105 lbs. I did not diet, I ate whatever I wanted and the only thing I had going for me was good genetics. I had simply been thin all my life. Well after he arrived that belly didn't quite go away like I wanted it to. So I waited almost 2 years to finally decide I needed a kick in the butt. I was sick of carrying around baby weight when my baby was no longer a baby rather a toddler. As you know the rest is history. I started with the 21 day fix, I have also done P90x3, Body Pump, Brazil Butt Lift, Piyo, Insanity Max 30, 21 Day Fix Extreme and now I am starting to do CIZE. I weight 120 lbs sometimes 115 but always in that range. I will never see 105 lbs again. My body is lean and muscular and I fuel it with clean, organic healthy foods. I didn't have much to lose but I needed the change more than I realized and I am now better because of Beachbody. 

If you are interested in being in my upcoming support group regardless of how much or how little you have to lose, please fill out the application below. I will be in touch shortly. 

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