
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cize Test Group

Love To Dance? - Why Don't You Join Me?

cize, cize test group, new beachbody product, zumba, hip hop, challenge group, sarah griffith, top beachbody coach state college,

Okay I am about to be pretty real with you - I hate dancing. I have two left feet and it takes me an eternity to get the moves down. Looking back I feel bad for all of my old dance teachers. I am one of those who are very slow to learn. In the past I tried a Zumba class and liked it but kept getting frustrated that I couldn't keep up. I liked to stay at the back of the class so I could watch and nobody could see my moves. It just was never my thing. 

Well this month I am breaking out of my shell and I will be putting the weights down to try out the newest Beachbody program, CIZE. It is going to launch this week while I am at Summit and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Excited for a little challenge. The best part is, I am doing this from home so no more hiding in the back row just me and the basement and my killer moves. 

The program is 4 weeks long and I will be going thru it for the first time along with my coaches. We will be taking applicants who would like to be a part of our official test group. The group will begin on July 27th. 

There is something cool about being in a test group! Fun to experience a program with others who are all doing it for the first time. 

So if dancing or hip hop is your thing or maybe if it isn't and you would like it to be, fill out the application below and I will be in touch so I can get you enrolled in the test group. 

Check out the video I made to tell you what comes along with your CIZE challenge pack!

Fill out my online form.
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