
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What Would You Do With An Extra $500 - $1,000.00 A Week?

Ever Dreamed Of Just A Bit More? 

Have you ever wished you had just a little bit more in your bank account for the fun stuff each week? I used to until I became a Beachbody coach. I live a great life, I really do - I live in a beautiful neighborhood in brand new house, my husband and I have great jobs and we truly have so many blessings. But I often found myself wishing for a tiny bit more each month... just for little stuff - I call it fun money! We had a pot of fun money each month but honestly I just wanted to have a little bit more fun.

I will be honest though, I  really did not go into this coaching opportunity for the income more so I just wanted a discount on my Shakeology. I knew if I just helped two people each month it would cover my cost of the product completely so that's where I started. Little did I know that I was slowing building my own little empire while I worked my business in my pajamas each night after my son went to bed. The income I am now making did not happen over night. It comes with hard work. I put lots and lots of hours into helping my clients with their weight loss journeys as well as helping mentoring and leading my coaches as they learn to build their own businesses. If you want to be successful in life you have to be willing to work harder than everyone else. So I told myself that day in and day out. Every night even when I didn't feel like it, I worked and worked and today - a year and a half later the magic is starting to happen. Although I shouldn't say magic, I should say hard work is paying off. There is nothing magical about success - you earn it. I am currently ranked 169 out of 300,000+ coaches in the network. That puts me in the top 1.5% in the company. While it's not top 10 like I want to be it's pretty darn good considering my circumstances. I did this all while working full time as a teacher, taking masters classes and being a wife and a momma! Life is busy but I know that if I keep working at the rate I am going I will be able to provide a lifestyle for my family that many can only dream of having.

Each week I am brining in between $600.00 - $1,000.00 on top of our families actual income from our jobs and each month that amount keeps growing and growing. This is money that I make without ever having to leave my home and I will be 100% honest with you - This is my passion! I love it! Every single minute of it. It allows me to combine two of my biggest interests (business and leadership) both what I have studied in college. Little did I know that starting my own fitness journey would lead me to my dream job! This opportunity has given me the freedom to work on the debt that we have, pay for dinners out, vacations,  trips to Starbucks and ULTA without it hurting the bottom line and many many many wonderful things for my son and our family. The opportunity has allowed me to not have to worry if I can afford something I want and to be able to enjoy fun little treats along the way in my life. Imagine what you could do with a little bit more each week in your bank account. 

So why am I writing this? It's not to brag - it's to show you that you can have this type of opportunity too no matter how busy you are. If you have been considering giving this coaching thing a try - it's time to say WHY NOT ME? It's time to step up to the plate. You really have nothing to lose. I will be offering a 5 day sneak peak into coaching next week to give you the opportunity to learn more about what I do.

Hosting my team call - even on vacation! Absolutely love my team of coaches! 

Please fill out the application below if you would like more information about the opportunity. 

But remember the dream is free but the hustle is sold separately. If you think you have what it takes then join me and my growing team of leaders. I promise you one heck of a ride.

Fill out my online form.
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